Chapter 42

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That night back in the common room, Angelina, Hermione and Bonnie had gathered around the communal fireplace with their freshly bought sweets spread out in front of them. Ginny had joined them too, unable to refuse the offer of Honeydukes delights.

"How was Hogsmeade today!?" She asked as she unwrapped a chocolate frog.

"Oh it was amazing Ginny. Wish you could have come! Was great to just get out of the castle and see the sights." Hermione said, picking up the collectors card Ginny had just unwrapped with her chocolate frog.
"Oh look you got Bridget Wenlock! I love getting the women, it appeases the feminist in me." She smiled, gazing at the woman on the card.
"She was the first person to establish the magical properties of the number 7. It is said to be the most powerful magical number."

"Truely fascinating Hermione, thank you." Angelina rolled her eyes. "But we have more important matter to discuss. Like a certain Weasley perhaps?" She said as she turned to Bonnie.

Bonnie choked and looked at Ginny who was looking at them with a raised eyebrow.
"Well I'm sitting right here guys so I certainly hope you're not preparing to trash talk me!" She chuckled.

"Crap Ginny I forgot you were a Weasley for a second! You're so normal." Angelina said, swinging her head around to look at her.
The three girls laughed before falling silent as they all took another sweet.

Ginny broke the silence.
"I'm assuming you're referring to my lovely brother George?" She said sweetly.
"Don't hold back on my account, by all means have at him. I know he's been a twat to you Bonnie, I'm not going to stop you. Hell, I may even join in." She laughed.

"How do you know that?" Bonnie questioned.

"Well it's obvious. You two are flirting non stop, even snogging so the rumours say and yet he pretends you don't exist and goes out on dates with other girls? Twat. Plain and simple." She said in a matter of fact tone.

"There's rumours!?" Bonnie was shocked.

"Of course. You only made out at the biggest Gryffindor party this year! Did you think nobody saw?" She snorted.

Bonnie turned a deep red. She knew Ron and Harry had seen but she didn't even consider that others had.
"Oh my god that's so embarrassing." She mumbled, stuffing a handful of Every Flavour Beans into her mouth. She chewed for a moment in her embarrassment before stopping and spitting the beans out all over the ground.

"VOMIT FLAVOUR!" She yelled as she rubbed madly at her tongue to get the taste out.
The other girls were in fits laughing at her, Ginny was slapping the ground and Angelina was gasping for air.

Once she had rinsed out her mouth with 3 glasses of water and washed it down with a liquorice wand, she leaned back onto her elbows, laughing with the others.
"Why am I so damn unlucky!? The odds of a vomit flavour one are tiny but of course I get one!"

Angelina finally caught her breath and quickly turned the topic of conversation back to George, much to Bonnie's dismay.

She sighed. It seemed she was as unlucky with Bertie Botts as she was with George.
"Every time I think I'm getting somewhere with George, something else gets in the way. It's maddening!"

The girls nodded.
"Certainly seems that way." Said Hermione.
"How long do you think he will do whatever it is he's doing with Marietta?"

Ginny grimaced.
"I have no idea. But I wish he would knock it off. All the girls in my classes suddenly think they have a chance with him since he agreed to go on a date with her. They keep sucking up to me to get me to put in a good word, it's gross!" Ginny spat as she shook her head.

"They probably have more of a chance than me." Bonnie mumbled.

Angelina groaned loudly.
"Bon, I'm all for a party, but not of the pity variety!" She said as she poked Bonnie in the ribs. "Enough is enough. You need to put up or shut up. And by that I mean go talk to him, properly talk to him!"

Her harshness shocked all of the girls. Bonnie gaped at her for a moment before laughing.
"You're absolutely right Ange. I'm such a moping mess. I quit!"

"You quit?" Hermione was baffled. "Quit what?"

"I quit complaining about George. He's my friend, nothing more, nothing less. From now on that's all it is. So thank you Angelina, I choose the 'shut up' option." She stated. Sitting upright and grabbing a blood flavoured lollipop.
"Who's ready to try one of these bad boys with me!?"

The three girls stared at her for a moment. The boy talk was over as directed by Bonnie and lollipops were next on the agenda.
Giggling nervously, they all picked one up and took the wrapper off. They looked at each other and the lollipops for a moment.

"Ok, you have to hold it in your mouth for at least 5 seconds alright? Ready? 3, 2, ....1!" Bonnie counted down. Once she reached 1 the girls scrunched up their faces and shoved the lollipops into their mouths. They squealed and squirmed for the full 5 seconds before pulling the disgusting sweet out of their mouth and reaching for the nearest drink and decent tasting foods.

"That was disgusting!" Ginny laughed, flapping her hands in front of her face.

Bonnie was still holding hers and inspected it closely.
"So you suppose there's real blood in here? Or is it artificial?" She asked the others.

Just then the portrait swung open and Fred, Lee and George strode through the door.

"What do we have here ladies? A little sweets gathering we weren't invited to?" Lee said as he rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.

"Don't even think about it!" Cried Ginny, throwing a protective arm out over the haul.

The boys threw themselves down on the armchairs and sofa behind the girls and started chatting.
George smirked at Bonnie, giving her the look she was all very used to by now. The flirty but cocky look.
An idea popped into her mind. She was still clutching the blood lollipop, so she looked George right in the eye and while withholding the disgusted expression her face wanted to pull from the flavour of the putrid lollipop, she licked it slowly and seductively.

George's eyes widened and after a moment he did exactly what Bonnie had wanted him too. He grabbed the sweet from her hand, still cocky as ever and placed it in his mouth.

Hermione slapped a hand over her mouth and George's eyes scrunched closed as he ripped it out of his mouth, coughing and spluttering.
"What the hell Peers!" He spluttered, rubbing his tongue on his sleeve.

The whole group erupted into laughter, George's cockiness now completely gone.

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