Chapter 31

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The following Saturday morning Bonnie was shaken awake by a wide eyed Angelina.

"Bonnie! BONNIE! Wake the hell up! Why are you always bloody sleeping!"

Bonnie's eyes sprung open as she tried to collect her scattered thoughts from sleep.
"Oh my- Angelina what!? What is it!? Is it George? Is he ok?"

"Come down stairs, Fred says he's got news and he wouldn't share it until you were there, so let's move! Get your arse up, put some clothes on! Quickly, come on!"
Angelina was tearing clothes out of Bonnie's trunk haphazardly and shoving them into her arms. Bonnie hurriedly put on the first clothes she got thrown - she wouldn't be winning any prizes for best dressed, but that didn't matter right now.
She dressed quickly and hopped out of the door on one foot as she jammed a shoe on the other.

Once downstairs, she saw the couches taken up by Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Lee and in front of them all, Fred who looked up and saw Bonnie and Angelina entering.
"Finally!" He exclaimed.
"Ok so listen, mum's just written and told me that they are making progress on George! They said that thanks to the list of ingredients I gave them, they've managed to make a potion that they've tested on the back of his leg. Apparently it shrank his blisters and grew his skin back almost the whole way!"

The group broke out in excited talking and cheers. Bonnie felt her shoulders relax slightly for the first time in weeks, relief washed over her. But she knew he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"So does that mean we can see him soon Freddie?" Asked Ginny excitedly.

"Maybe Gin. Have to see what Madam Pomfrey says first but I reckon if they use this potion all over him, they might be able to wake him up and that's a good start!"

Fred was grinning wildly at the prospect of having his brother and mischief companion back after nearly 2 months. He looked at Bonnie with renewed hope and happiness in his eyes, a look nobody had seen in weeks.
She grinned back at him as he rushed over to Ginny and picked her up, spinning her around before putting her down and doing the same thing to Bonnie, both of them laughing wildly.

"Can you believe it Bon! We might have Georgie back soon!" He leaned in closer to her and whispered, "And you might get a second shot at that kiss." He winked at her and carried on to hug Ron.

Bonnie blushed deeply. She hoped Fred was right, she hoped after everything that happened between them, after her yelling and ignoring him and now all of this, she hoped she would indeed get the chance.

"So that's all mum said?" Ron was asking.

"Yeah. She didn't give a time frame but I can't see why they would be taking their time to just douse George in that potion and get him fixed up. He's been out for ages!"

The group of them sat around chatting animatedly for the next few hours, something they hadn't done since before George's accident. Fred was talking with the boys about the prank he was going to plan as soon as George was up again.

"Well Snape has been a right prick to us, even though my brothers basically in a coma down the corridor. You think he'd give me a break yeah? He's given me detention 3 times! All for twatty reasons too. How was I meant to see he was standing on the other side of the door when I swung it open? Who am I? Mad Eye Moody?! I don't have X-Ray vision! So I'm thinking of gettin' him real good-"

Bonnie laughed as she zoned out. She wanted no part in pranking Snape of all people.
She sat back on the couch and let the buzz of voices wash over her as she felt like she could breath for the first time in weeks.
She tried to think about what the first thing she was going to say to George would be. It was going to be awkward, no doubt about that. She had to admit to herself she was actually terrified but also so excited. It was a strange mix of feelings that made her stomach do backflips and front flips all at the same time.

The rest of the day passed and the mood had not dropped, everyone was still in high spirits with the good news about George. Bonnie hoped he was getting healed with the potion and waking up as they speak.

At dinner that night, it was all any of them could do to not glance at the door to the Great Hall every time someone walked through it, half expecting it to be George.
Bonnie could hardly taste the food she put in her mouth. For the first time in weeks she had an appetite, the food looked and smelled delicious but she had so much going on in her mind, that she wouldn't have a clue what she was eating if she didn't physically look at it.

After a celebratory round of Butterbeers Lee had snuck back from the last Hogsmeade trip, everyone made their way to their beds feeling content and sleepy.
Bonnie climbed under her soft blankets and for once, didn't feel the need to cry. As she was dozing off, she heard a small tap at the window by her bed. Confused, she balanced herself to hang her torso off the side of her mattress, so she could look what was out there without getting out of the warm bed.

A Tawny Owl was perched on her window sill with a rolled up bit of parchment attached to its leg with a red piece of ribbon.
Bonnie quietly and slowly got out of bed to opened the window, pulling the note off the owls leg before it took off.
Was she dreaming? Had she in fact nodded off and this was all in her head? Because this felt like a severe case of Déjà Vu from when this happened the night George found out about their star charts.
She carefully unrolled the parchment and her heart stopped. There, written in a familiar scrawl was a short sentence with three small stars drawn underneath the words, just like last time.

Meet me in the Astronomy tower.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now