Chapter 37

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George walked proudly to where Bonnie and Angelina were sat at the Gryffindor table, giving his adoring fans a queen-like wave before lowering himself onto the seat next to Bonnie.

"Enjoying the attention are you?" Angelina sniggered.

"Shut it you. You're just jealous the people love me." He shot back at her.

"The people love an injured idiot." Angelina whispered to Bonnie and they both giggled.

"I heard that Ange. Be kind to me, I'm fragile." He pouted as Angelina rolled her eyes.

She got up and called a "See you in class." Over her shoulder, leaving Bonnie and George seated together.
With no one else in the immediate vicinity, George reached under the table and gave Bonnie's thigh a squeeze. Bonnie sucked in her breath sharply in surprise which made him grin.

"You didn't come to see me this morning." He said as he took his hand off her thigh, leaving sparks behind on her skin and began buttering toast. Bonnie watched his large, veiny hands and long fingers as they moved.

"I'm looking at you right now though aren't I?" She laughed lightly.

"Doesn't count." He decided, with a sly grin.

They continued eating for a moment as Ron, Hermione and Harry entered the hall. They each broke into a large grin at the sight of George stuffing his face at the table.

"You're back!" Ron exclaimed, giving his brother a slap on the shoulder, which was met with a pained grimace from George.
"Oh sorry mate, I forgot." Ron looked apologetic.

"Think of me as incredibly sun burnt you lot, don't even consider touching me. I'm damaged goods."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow at him, their previous encounters flashing to the forefront of her mind. As the other three began talking amongst themselves George leaned over subtly to put his mouth by Bonnie's ear and whispered,
"Except you. You can touch me as much as you want." He gave her a small wink and continued eating.
Bonnie's cheeks flushed and Hermione gave her a pointed look, which only made her blush deeper.

As the 5 of them chatted happily about school, quidditch and trips to Hogsmeade between mouthfuls of breakfast foods, Bonnie couldn't help but notice a small crowd forming a few steps away from where they were sitting.
Harry was the first one to notice apart from Bonnie, he was used to this kind of thing, but he realised quickly they weren't there for him.

"Think you have a few fans wanting an autograph." Harry whispered to George, gesturing toward the small group of giggling girls.

'What the bloody hell is going on?' Thought Bonnie. Why was George suddenly this chick magnet just because he blew himself up? She couldn't make sense of it, the others couldn't seem to either.

However George puffed his chest out proudly.
"But can you really blame them? I am incredibly brave and tough." He boasted.
His friends rolled their eyes at him.

"Maybe they just really like tomatoes." Bonnie pointed out with a shrug at her giggling friends.

George ignored the comment and turned his attention toward the girls.
"You ladies alright?" He gave them his most charming smile, to spite his friends.

The girls looked to be of all different years from 1st all the way to 6th. No 7th years Bonnie noted, perhaps they all knew him too well to act like fangirls towards George.
One girl was pushed forward by the others, Bonnie recognised her as Marietta, the one who had given George a card.
She giggled as she turned her head back to her friends as they egged her on.

"You're looking really well George." She said in a silky voice with a small giggle.

"Why, thank you... Mary is it?" He scrunched you his face trying to remember.
The girls face dropped slightly as George got her name wrong.

"Uh... Marietta actually." She looked at the ground feeling awkward that she had to correct him.

At this point Harry and Ron were in silent stitches, earning death glares from George's groupies.
George looked guilty that he didn't get her name right and stood to walk over to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. Marietta blushed madly as he touched her.

"I'm sorry I got your name wrong. I'm afraid I don't quite know everybody in this school quite as well as I think I do." He said to her quietly.
Marietta looked up through her eyelashes at George and fluttered them for a moment, making Bonnie seethe.

"Perhaps you could accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend. Maybe we can go to Zonko's and you can show me your favourite products. I know you like that shop. We could get to know each other a little better then."

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Bonnie all looked at each other with their mouths open. Bonnie scoffed at the audacity of this girl.

"She's bold, I'll give her that." Said Hermione so only Bonnie could hear.
"You ok?"

Bonnie waved dismissively at Hermione.
"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Hermione gave her a deadpan look.
"We both know why Bonnie."

George was still trying to stutter out an answer. He's never had a girl ask him out before, and definitely not as brazenly as this. Before he could stop himself he had uttered a "Yes" at the girl to which she grinned broadly.

"It's a date then." She winked at him and sauntered off, purposefully swinging her hips.

Bonnie could not believe it. Things kept getting in the way of her and George!

"You said yes?" She asked him when he sat back down. She was working hard to keep her face flat and her tone airy, even though she knew he most often could see straight through it.

"I - Uh... I suppose I did." He muttered, side eyeing Bonnie wearily.

Hermione scoffed loudly at him as she got up. She signalled to Bonnie that they were leaving. Bonnie rose quickly to follow, she was quite relieved as she felt sick to her stomach.

"I hope you enjoy your date then George. She seems perfectly adequate." Hermione turned her nose up at him and took Bonnie's hand, leading her out of the Hall.

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