Chapter 49

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Morning broke after a wild and amusing night of partying. The day was streaming in through the holes in the curtains, making Bonnie pull her pillow over her eyes to help the throbbing in her head.
She had found herself on a small stretcher bed in Ginny's room next to a snoring Angelina. Hermione and Ginny were across the other side of the room sleeping quietly.

Bonnie slowly removed the pillow from her face and opened her bleary eyes to stare at the ceiling, trying to remember how on earth she got back to her bed.
The last thing she remembered was making out with George behind a stack of hay, before dragging him back to the others and dancing while he gripped her hips with his strong hands.

Groaning quietly, she slowly pulled her legs from her blankets and placed each foot carefully on the ground. Her mouth felt arid as she glanced around for any kind of liquid to rehydrate herself with. Her eyes fell on 4 small bottles on top of Ginny's drawers with a note leaning against them.

To future us - Drink this!

The words were scrawled sloppily in Ginny's handwriting. Curious, Bonnie stood with her head spinning and tiptoed over to investigate. She picked up one of the bottles, pulled the cork out and sniffed carefully at the opening. Invigoration Potion - perfect! She lifted the bottle to her lips and chugged. It tasted sickly sweet and made her stomach turn. But she kept it down and instantly felt a surge of energy, dissipating her headache and fatigue.

Feeling better, Bonnie bundled some clothes into her arms and made her way to the bathroom to shower. As she undressed, she caught sight of a small scrape on her arm that had now scabbed over. She giggled at the foggy memory of her lunging at George from the top of a table, crashing them both to the ground.

One warming, refreshing shower later, Bonnie dressed and made her way down the stairs. To her surprise a clock on the wall showed it was after 11 in the morning.
'We must have got in later than I thought.' She mused.

Rounding the corner she found Molly busy in the kitchen doing dishes.
"Good morning Mrs Weasley." Bonnie croaked.

"Oh Bonnie dear, you're the first up! And please, do call me Molly." She smiled warmly, wiping her hands on her flowery apron.
"I made some sandwiches for you lot about an hour ago, I assumed you'd be up by now! Must have been a late one. Help yourself love." She winked as she gestured to the huge pile of sandwiches on the dining room table.

"Thank you Molly."
Bonnie made her way to the dining room and sat heavily on one of the wicker chairs. She wasn't sure she quite had an appetite as her stomach continued to churn uncomfortably. But not wanting to seem rude, she grasped a sandwich and took a careful bite. It was delicious. Molly had obviously used up the left overs from yesterday's lunch to create large sandwiches, piled with roast meats between thick white bread.
Bonnie's stomach went from sickly to famished as she bit, chewed and swallowed the food until she had polished off one and a half sandwiches. By this time Hermione and Harry had both wandered down to the ground floor looking slightly green, but revitalised from the potion and a shower.

"Morning you two. How'd you sleep?" Bonnie asked as they mumbled a good morning to Molly and pulled a sandwich in front of them.

"Good, I think... I'm honestly not sure what time we got back here. I don't really remember much of last night. That's not like me at all." Hermione whispered, her cheeks flushed.

Harry and Bonnie chuckled, Hermione is not one to usually drink. But when she does, she often misjudges how much of a lightweight she is.

"You were having a great time last night Mione, I can assure you. Got great moves on the dance floor." Bonnie smiled at her as Hermione covered her face in embarrassment.

As the morning progressed, the rest of the group stumbled down stairs one after the other. The pile of sandwiches were slowly dwindling down as they discovered their hunger.

George was one of the last to amble down the stairs looked haggard, but his face lit up upon seeing Bonnie seated at the table.

He took the empty seat beside her and rested a hand on her leg.
"Morning love, how are you feeling?" He asked warmly.

Bonnie's cheeks flushed and a fresh batch of butterflies hatched in her stomach.
"I'm feeling fine, thank you George. That potion helped so much. I'm assuming you had something to do with that?"

He looked proudly at her and nodded.
"I'm quite the potion connoisseur indeed."

"Don't think you should be claiming that too loudly after you blew yourself up a few months ago big man." Bonnie laughed as she reached out to pull a sandwich from the stack and set it in front of George, who looked aghast at her comment.
"Eat up." She said as she patted his hand.

His open mouthed face turned to a smile.
"I can't stay mad at you."

"Good." She grinned back as George started to eat.

"Are you going home today Bonnie?" Ginny asked.

Before Bonnie could reply, Molly bustled in with Hot Chocolate for everyone.
"You're more than welcome to stay for as long as you like Bonnie, dear." She said affectionately.
"All of you are welcome, as long as you let your parents know!"

Bonnie grinned at Molly gratefully.
"I would love to stay another night if it's not too much trouble. I'm just having so much fun with all of you." She clutched George's warm hand under the table.

"Wonderful. Be sure to send your mother and father an owl letting them know." She patted her shoulder and went back into the kitchen.

George grinned at her and held her hand tightly.
"I'm so glad you're staying." He whispered to her as Ginny clapped excitedly and went about convincing the others to stay too.
"I'd like to get as much alone time with you as I can."

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now