Can The World Crush Her?

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May 18, 2001

Africa had been the best trip of the year by far. It was the one place far from prying eyes where William could be himself and relax. Seeing the Craig family again had been really nice, and he was enjoying his time with Jecca. They had become close friends the last time he had visited in ninety-eight.

He knew what the media thought, but he didn't mind really. In fact, he was hoping it was taking some stress off of Jaclyn with everything she had going on, he hadn't even seen a single. Seeing as she hadn't mentioned the press in any of their conversations until the night Emma attacked her it seemed to be working, especially since he hadn't even seen a single article about Emma and her. That had also been the last time he talked to her a week ago seeing as his mobile had broke late Saturday night and it still wasn't fixed.

He pulled Jecca into her house as they returned from their drive. They were laughing together, and she squeezed his hand, something that was a little odd but he let it slide. Occasionally she did things like that, but he figured it was just Jecca being herself. She was touchy with everyone in her family.

The second he entered their sitting room his heart dropped. Batian, Jecca's brother, was watching the news, but it was more what they were reporting that made his blood boil while freezing over.

Swarms of photographers crowded around a person sprawled out in the sidewalk, but it wasn't just anyone it was his girlfriend. It was Jackie's unconscious body they were surrounding, shoving their cameras in her pale face, and it was Natania who was screaming and trying to fight the paparazzi to try and help her.

William missed the report itself, too busy focusing on the horrifying clips. When Natania finally busted through, Jaclyn was waking up, and the smaller girl had to guard her friend from the photographers waiting a minute before she could move her.

"Seems a bit dramatic to me," Jecca mumbled, crossing her arms with a huff. She wasn't fond of how this other girl could steal William's attention from her so easily. That was why she had stared to hide every tabloid that came through the house, and make sure the news channels were off when he was around.

If William wasn't so worried about his girlfriend's well being he would have asked her to elaborate.

"Batian, can I borrow your mobile?" William asked. The older guy handed it over without question looking sympathetic as he did.

"Hello?" It was Natania who answered, sounding like she was on the verge of hanging up on the assumed random person. "Nati, it's me William-"

"You want to tell me what the hell you did?" She hissed. Her voice was faint like she was still in a public place, but William feared she was about to leap through the phone.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"We've all seen the pictures of you and Jecca snuggling up to each other," Natania snapped. William groaned taking his leave from the room where the Craig siblings were watching him. "You should both know those pictures aren't real."

"Even if it's nothing for you, Jecca's intentions are very obvious, and it hurts to see you with a pretty girl like her."

William sighed, "Can I talk to her? She shouldn't be focusing on what the press are saying." Natania laughed through the phone, and William could picture her annoyed glare. Shouting she said, "Like I didn't think of that, girls are practically shoving them in her face daily!" She didn't even care if she lost her composure in the school in front of all her instructors and professors.

She inhaled sharply taking William's silence as a sign that she scared him.

"You know, I always had my repercussions with you two. Jaclyn's... She's been through a lot with her family, you saw all those things Bill said about her, and now it's easy to get under her skin, to hurt her. I thought, maybe, since you come from a different family that you could heal her, and instead you broke her. She's never gone through this, and maybe it's not your fault, and maybe she reacted two quickly which happens when she's scared, but I swear if you did something I'll kill you."

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