How Was Your Date?

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July 4, 2000

Jaclyn still felt giddy from last night. The two of them barely shared anything other than history facts, minimal advice, and random things about themselves. Still the memory of William walking her back was fresh in her mind, and the kiss to her hand still burned with an imprint.

The piano sang rapid melodies from the corner of the studio, and she realized upon landing her second grand jete that maybe class wasn't the best time to think of this. Moving in unison with the two girls in her group, she continued running off to the side switching her arms to fourth arabesque.

Out of Miss. Lewis's eyesight Jaclyn yanked on the tank straps of her now damp leotard, and plucked at her pink tights helping the air circulate. All very discreetly of course.

Natania sprung from the corner next. She's a force. A firecracker in a tiny body, and that doesn't stop at her dancing. There's not a person more intense than her, and it's common knowledge her and Jaclyn were the best in their year. Something the latter would shyly blush at and try to deny while her firecracker friend would graciously accept the compliment.

She pushed through pirouettes, sprung in the air, and attacked everything with a sharpness. Currently Jaclyn swore her sharp green eyes were spotting her right now, boring holes in the back of Jaclyn's  head.

While Jaclyn was flexible and seemed to flutter through everything, Nat was strong. They were both great dancers, but had different strengths.

It was her idea to audition for the Royal Ballet School after Jaclyn got in, and of course she was good enough to be just as sought after. Jaclyn never planned on ever becoming that talented, but it was always in the back of Natania's mind.

"Okay ladies that was our last combination, thank you for dancing." Gentle claps filled the room as the girls moved right to left in soft curtseys, each taking a turn to individually thank Ms. Lewis.

"I'll see you in studio B in fifteen minutes Miss. Webber," Ms. Lewis told Jaclyn more ice in her eyes rimmed by tiny silver glasses. Her head nodded like Ms. Lewis was pulling a string, and then Jaclyn scurried off in Nats direction.

Today she had been extra hard, not in a yelling furious spectacle of shunning their turnout like dance teachers do in the movies. Ms. Lewis didn't work like that. She merely existed, hardly raising her voice above her monotonous mumble. Somehow she gave off this aura of not caring about you, while being super critical for your sake.

Through conditioning she basked in the girls suffering, even scolded some softly, "I don't understand, it's only four pirouettes." Jaclyn about died of relief when Ms. Lewis managed to watch the only quad she landed properly. Of course Nat turned and hung in the air, a ballerina straight from a music box.

Before Jackie could reach Nat, Emma Branson cut her off forcing a magazine in her hands. Immediately she saw Natania and Thomas Branson, Emma's twin brother and Jaclyn's Pas de Duex partner, scramble to her.

"Look guys it's Tackie Jackie," Emma howled, and Jaclyn tried her best to slip past barely aware of the article in her hands. Cruel comments weren't a new thing from Emma, so Jaclyn was prepared. Until she caught sight of all the other matching magazines the girls in the lobby were reading.

Shouldering her dance bag she looked to the clock to make sure there was still time before her private. She made it apparent how annoyed she was as she flipped it over to see the front cover.

Prince William's newest conquest: meet 'Tackie Jackie'

The front page was an obscure picture of William and her talking under the tent at his Birthday party. Realizing with it printed on paper how bad the turtle neck sweater had been, she opened the magazine to the designated page trying to block out the shrill giggles of the other girls.

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