Tis the Season... But It's September

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September 18, 2000

Jaclyn watched Charlotte Doir from the corner of her, the  woman playing the Snow Queen in this years Nutcracker was only a few years older than Jaclyn, and was in her very same position not that long ago. To follow in her footsteps was a dream, that Jaclyn had often and kneeling in her presence far to the left side of the studio was an honor because she was getting to watch the woman work. 

The Nutcracker itself was old, and she honestly stopped liking it when she was nine and ended up playing the Nutcracker for the third year in a row because she was the shortest. Not to mention it followed dancers everywhere from August to December, but the idea of being a principle even in a redundant show was a magical thought that made her heart flutter more with her dancing arms that swooshed back and forth. 

"Enjoy the snow Jaclyn!" Monsieur Michael, one of the lead choreographers and pas de duex instructor, shouted gleefully he was always such a character. He might as well have been dancing with Charlotte the way he was running about. "Frolic in it, but don't frolic because you can't stand up."

"Gay men," Emma scoffed, and Jaclyn wanted to respond with a retort mentioning her robotic arms, but her mind never moved that swiftly. Pathetically she settled for, "don't be rude Emma." Their arms were once again at rest as Charlotte started her big pique circle with Monsieur Michael chasing after on the other side of the studio.

"I have rights to say that, my brother is after all."

Through a tight smile Jaclyn bit out, "not how it works." Before she could say anything else their cue to stand up came, and they were both waltzing in the snowflake formation. Through the long mirrors Jaclyn could see Emma glaring at her, but she would never admit to that because that would mean she wasn't spotting.

By the end of rehearsal her toes were so crippled she opted to walk on her heels, but had to try and force herself to walk right upon exiting the building. Already the varying heights of the photographers could be seen just outside the school gate, and their shouts were muffled noises in her ears even from inside. 

With one last breath Jaclyn stepped out into the graying night allowing a few flashes to go off before she dared take another step. 

She was halfway to the gate when someone with their hood up grabbed and pulled her sideways. Her first thought was, someone got inside the gates, and that the reporters had finally gotten handsy. She shrieked first, her foot colliding with the persons shin as a warning. More flashes lit up, but no one made any indication that they planned on helping.

He grunted, but only loosened his grip on her arm. When the hood fell off revealing messy blonde hair Jaclyn regretted all of her life decisions.

She had kicked the second in line to the throne... and there was photographed proof. That was treason right? Couldn't she get sent to the Tower for that?

"William?" She hissed instantly clinging to him like she could hold him up with her frail arms if he dropped from her meesley kick. Seeing the prince was enough to make the paparazzi act like caged animals. This was the closest the two had been, and everyone wanted to be the one to get the photo.

"Want to go somewhere more private?" They were his first words to her in person again, she loved hearing them, and he rather liked saying them. Their blue eyes locked her excitement mixing with anxiety into a silent please, so he pulled her around to the back exit. "Hurry or they'll catch up to us."

For the first time since the paparazzi started chasing her she laughed. The whole situation was much more enjoyable with William holding her hand  running through the dark people screaming behind them like she was being snuck out of her home. Once outside the gates, it became apparent how close the monsoon of people were.

William was actually dragging her now having an advantage of longer legs and blister free feet, but they still managed to reach the black window tinted car unscathed. Once seated and safely locked in they both exhaled deeply, sagging into the center seat only to brush their heads together and retract just as quickly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Jaclyn finally asked.

"I did," he paused taking extra time to smile, "yesterday when we talked."

"Oh," she suddenly felt very foolish. Their last conversation over phone then decided that was the time to play in her head. "I just got so caught up with our first rehearsal today, I guess."

William laughed watching with a smirk as Jaclyn pulled her hair from it's tightly wound bun. "Did you not say they never change the dances?" He asked vaguely remembering her complaining about the repetition of the Nutcracker.

"That's not what I said!" She all but cried poking his arm with a bobbi pin only to pull back quickly. The driver wasn't intently watching, but she still had to remember they weren't alone. She didn't need to become the girl who harassed a prince.

"Besides the arms changed from this," she extened her amrs straight out in front of her with her wrists crossed, "to this." Then she switched them to fourth position but extened them in allonge. 

Amused he continued to toy with her, teasing her he quickly learned was quite enjoyable. "That must be so difficult."

"It is I've been doing it one way for the past two years and now they just decided to change it..." Her ramble continued, but William couldn't tell you what she was saying, other than it had to do with the complexity of arm motions. Her eyes could've rolled from her head, and he had to admit she looked a little ridiculous.

Still her presence was intoxicating, and a fun leave from the usually grey activities. This had only been their third time in person, but after talking at least once a week on the phone he felt like he knew her. The words slipped before he could stop them, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to anyways.

"I missed you."

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