Let's Celebrate 18

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June 22, 2000

Morning conditioning not only was killer, but it ran late. Which meant Natania and Jaclyn got an extra mile of running in trying to make their lunch date.

Heels digging into the ground Natania and Jaclyn came a skidding halt. Jaclyn's flats wore more doing so, but she didn't care catching sight of their friend across the street at their usual table.

Too excited to pay attention to cars the girls sprinted across the street, Jaclyn awkwardly skipping to not lose her shoes as they made it to their usual table. More often than not they had lunch here, but today's a special day.

"Well you two look a little beat," laughed the tall blonde who barely looked up from her menu to acknowledge them. Natania dropped into her seat rather unelegantly, "stuff it, Zara."

Deciding to ignore the two and their playful banter Jaclyn took a sip of the water glass that Zara must have ordered for her. "Sorry we're late Ms. Lewis laid into us today." Her small smile said she really didn't mind, but the glimmer in her eyes did say she found their panting just as amusing.

"That's alright," Zara waved her off, "what will you be getting today ladies?"

"Probably my usual," Natania said pointing to the turkey club featured on the menu

"Can you believe it's been two years since you introduced us?" Jaclyn asked.

"I can't, and everyday I'm still surprised you came."

"I couldn't help it!" Zara exclaimed finally putting down the menu, "you kept bragging about how you met an american who's actually fun. I had to see for myself." They all giggled remembering Zara interigating Jaclyn all through lunch their first year.

The fact that Nat introduced Jaclyn to her royal friend, that she went to school with, a week into settling in was still kind of hard to believe. However Zara was, she could super chill, she could still be a bit scary, perhaps it was because she was a year older than them, but Jaclyn still loved her dearly.

"We've been over this guys, you can't talk about me like I'm not here." Now that they were back in England, Natania and Jaclyn had switched places. Returning home, even briefly in the summer's, was always a culture shock once she returned back to London.

"Why not, have you seen what you're wearing?" Zara's voice lowered as she inclined over her menu. Okay, so maybe today Jaclyn didn't coordinate her outfit so well. The long sleeves and halter of her black leo poke out of the large and worn Queen shirt, her pink tight clad feet were stuck in a tiny pair of easy to slip on ballet flats, and she was wearing yoga pants to top it off.

Natania on the other hand, wisely wore a camisole leo, that she covered with a cute denim jacket. Now that she was looking at their clothes, she now understood what Zara meant.

However might as well embrace it...

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jaclyn playfully scoffed, "do you know how many girls are dying to get this look?" Her hands ran dramatically across her blonde hair that was still glued to her head in a low bun.

Natania looked around, "none?" She asked. True to her word the other customers that sat outside gathered around the round tables didn't seem to be interested in Jaclyn and her fashion.

"No, I think Jackie's onto something. Why don't you model it for us?" Zara smiled evilly trying to cover it up with her glass of water. For the past two years the both of them had been advocates for the "Let's Build Jackie's confidence," campaign. On stage, in the studio, just simply moving her freedom screamed confidence, she spoke so eloquently with her movements.

Interacting with people after she got off stage, well, it was hard to believe she was the same girl.

Two years with a royal, especially when that royal was the daughter of the outspoken and empowering Princess Anne, did wonders, but only in private with her tight knit group. Anyone new caused her tongue to lose control.

So doing something so ridiculous in public was usually out of the question, but this time she just stood up smirking at all three of them. "Watch and learn ladies," and with that she jumped into a pose. Hands placed on her head and her hip popped out, with each pose a ridiculous expression adorned her face as well.

Going on she was half aware of Zara mumbling, "where are the paps when I actually want them?" They clapped as she finished with one of those look backs, sending ripples of laughter through her friends. She was seventeen after all, but only for three more months, she reminded herself.

A playful smirk on her lips Natania squeezed her best friends hand, "that was so, so very special."

"Now that I've seen that, I can't believe I'm still doing this, but I'd like to invite you to my cousin's eighteenth birthday this weekend. His birthday was yesterday, but they're having a football match this weekend to celebrate." Her eyes were set on Natania, which only made sense in Jaclyn's mind she knew exactly who Zara was talking about. C'mon, how could she not? It had been all over the news.

"We'll be a little late, but I haven't seen Harry and Wills in so long-"

The menu hid Jaclyn's smirk loving how Natania just nonchalantly called them Harry and Wills- wait... did she just say we?


June 24, 2000

"Who's brilliant idea was this?" Jaclyn hissed stomping through the grass glaring at Zara's backside as she rushed onto the field, or pitch as she keep getting reminded, to go greet her cousins. "It's a birthday, what can be dreadful about that?" Natania askwd striding past eagerly.

"Humiliation." Natania didn't hear.

Her feet stalled needing a break from the slight incline, it's literally two feet at most, but they ran from the tube station a few blocks back. Sucking in sharply and continuing Jaclyn made a mental note to do more cardio. You'd think being a dancer her stamina would be better.

It struck her, standing all by herself in the open vast grass, that she had no clue what she was doing. Sure, her dad had played soccer at church, but that was the extent of her knowledge.

Not only that, but she had been living in London for two years. How was it possible that this was her first match?

There was a large white tent to the left, but all her friends were currently conversing to the right waiting for the game to start. Scanning the people amongst them, she made a beeline for the tent not ready for Natania and Zara to introduce her as: the one enjoyable American.

Blending in with the people who seemed ordinary enough, meaning you wouldn't recognize them from magazine covers, seemed much more doable. Yes, it was hypocritical considering who the ones who invited her were, but they were so goofy it was easy to forget. However mingling with the second and third ones in line for the throne were not things she wanted to do.

Once the table stashed with water bottles cleared, she took one. Drinking water gave off the appearance of being unable to talk... was she putting too much thought into this?

The thought struck her as the air tightened making the knit sweater clam up against her neck. Why on Earth did I wear a turtle neck?

She fanned herself needing something to do with her hands, but forgetting to move away from the table of water and fruit trays, in the process.

"Sorry I just need to get by..." the deep voice drains out in her own ears as she swivelled around. Coming face to face with a guy around her age dressed in a droopy baby blue and gold jersey, blonde hair already mussed even though the game hadn't started yet.

"I was trying to avoid you."

The words fell out before she could stop them.

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