Late Night Calls

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The video above is Aurora's Vision, the variation Jaclyn is performing for the Spring Showcase. It's possibly one of my favorites of all time, but I couldn't tell you why

This is the link for Natanias solo variation another favorite of mine:


April 5, 2001

For days after William left Jaclyn was extra giddy. In class she was more springy and always smiling. She would often find herself wide awake at night, hand hovering over her lips like she could capture that feeling all over again.

As kids you take your dolls and smash their faces together because all you know is there is facial contact required for a kiss. Jaclyn might as well have been a child because that was all she knew until it happened.

Natania was growing tired of the giddiness three days in, and every night Jaclyn was up she would throw stuff at her from her bed until she went to sleep.

Quickly though the high of being with someone she really adored was replaced by the rush of dancing, learning new choreography, and cramming it all in to make sure everything was ready.

Rehearsals were in full swing which meant Jaclyn was slowly getting into a routine. She could perform Giselle's act one variation easily, it called for being joyful and youthful, but minutes later she would have to switch to the mad scene and portraying a character slowly descending into insanity was no easy fate.

The contemporary trio choreographed by alumni Ever Winters was slowly becoming her favorite. It was the dance they were allowed to let everything out, Ever encouraged them to hold nothing back.

And then there was Aurora's Vision which she was currently in a rehearsal for.

"If everything is big, then nothing is big," Miss Lewis tisked, her voice barely louder than the music. Jaclyn waltzed around the studio trying to make sense of her directors words. The soft piano music took Jaclyn by the hand and guided her through the motions.

The turn combination from the corner was much swifter now than it was back in August. It was only two soutenus into chaînés repeated twice, four pique turns, two double piqué turns, fast chaînés, and ended in a strong and elongated tendue derriere.

"That was good," Ms. Lewis said her focus on rewinding the CD, "but can you tell me the point of this dance?" Jaclyn wracked her mind, pulling up on her practice tutu. She knew the story, heck she lived parts of the story, minus the being cast into an eternal sleep part.

"I think there's a part of Aurora that's longing and wishful. She wants to wake up, she wants to be loved. I also believe this is the dance that we see her transform into a mature woman rather than the joyous young girl we were first introduced too." The problem was they weren't doing the whole ballet, she had to convey what was feeling to an audience that may have no knowledge on Sleeping Beauty.

Ms. Lewis gave the gravest of smiles sending Jaclyn to the back of the room to start again.

Outside the studio Emma sat stretching, watching the woman guide the blonde through the routine. If she had believed tipping the press off about Jaclyn's grandfather would help her feel better it didn't. The self consciousness that Jaclyn had carried around for a few days had been satisfying to watch knowing she had a tiny part in placing it there.

Somehow the girl continued dancing, even if she was having mental breakdowns in private every night, none of that mattered if she still excelled in the studio.

Thomas plopped down next to his sister, throwing a water bottle and a can of hairspray at her. It had to have been days since she slept through the night, and he didn't even think she was trying anymore. For a week straight she had been coming to class, holes in her tights and baby hairs astray from her rather sloppy bun.

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