Whispers in Corners

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Every Time Jaclyn Webber has Ditched Protocol for Kids

Over the years Jaclyn Webber, The Duchess of Cambridge, has dedicated herself fully to many charities and organizations, but some can say that her most personal work lies with children.

Many remember her first royal tour, where she met sweet Diamond Marshall, a young girl battling cancer, and when she gave her first speech a year later for Action For Children.

Another touching moment came when she visited The Royal Ballet upon the opening of their health suite. Bystanders quoted, "several of the kids flocked to her, and she dropped to her knees to give each a tight hug." Jaclyn has always been a friendly face within the Opera House halls, there are plenty of photos of her crouching down still in costume with kids after her shows to prove it.

While not something common among royals, Jackie can't seem to help herself and is known to not leave an engagement until each child has been given a hug if they want one. It is known that her guards or her husband, Prince William, have to follow behind her on walkabouts or she'll linger with every family.

Recently, the duchess visited Manchester bombing victims and the families and people of Manchester spoke highly of both her and Prince William. Especially the young girls who were enraptured by the couples mutual teasing and easy going nature.

Even before becoming a royal Jackie had an interest working with kids. A year ago photos circled the internet of a young teenaged Jaclyn playing games with a group of toddlers at what appears to be a dance recital. All of them are done up in fun costumes, waiting backstage, with one or two even in the young girls arms.

In the years leading up to her marriage she volunteered at different children's hospitals playing with kids when their parents had to leave and cleaning the community playrooms. Very few pictures exist of these deeds as The Prince of Wales made it abundantly clear that  Jaclyn and the families were to not be disturbed at the hospital as they were all private citizens.

It's clear through her work that Jaclyn holds the needs of children close to her heart.


June 20, 2017

"The Daily Mirror today is of you and William," her press secretary says monotonously while setting down a copy of the paper on the large desk. Jaclyn leans forward, hands propping up her chin, to observe it. Sure enough the largest picture is of her and William turned to each other during the flypast.

Royal and Real, is what it says across the top, and if it weren't for the bold print across their heads she could almost cut out the photo and save it. It's a stark contrast to the personal photos scattered across her office, but the endearment in their eyes remains the same.

She doesn't stop to read what it says, someone will tell her if anything damaging is written, but she can't handle the pressures of each ink blotted word. She knows herself too well now. Still she keeps up with the headlines. It is through these that she knows how much she can push, or if her hidden messages are being heard. The articles tell her how well behaved she needs to be, and especially with what she's about to do for Thomas and Arthur every other aspect of her life needs to be spotless.

It is also how she tallies the stories the other Royal households spin about her.

Catherine Quinn goes on placing down the next set of papers. "The Telegraph is focused on The Queen, and most of the magazines are focused on what everyone wore or the kids." Jaclyn grazes the pages spread before her, smiling fondly at the ones of William pointing things out to the kids, the few of Amelia laughing with her cousins, and the one shot of Philip, PJ, and her.

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