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March 30, 2007

At intermission, or halftime as Chelsy and Kate reminded her, she got Up to go get a drink. In her peripheral vision she watched half the cameras swoop after her. At least they were far enough away she couldn't hear the clicking.

The best part about these fancy elitist sporting events was that there was always free refreshments, and snack spreads. Jaclyn snatched a water bottle, the battle the expensive architectural typ e, and her eyes snuck to the snack table.

Weigh in on Monday

You should only have fluids for the next twenty-four hours

As soon as the thought crossed into her mind her teeth ground together. She refused to develop an eating disorder over this, she wouldn't give that kind of power to anyone no matter what they said. The press could cause as much trouble over her appearance as they wanted, which they were so blinded by engagement rumours they probably wouldn't, but her career almost ended. People thought she was anorexic last time. There were no more chances.

In a flourish of dramatic defiance she swiped some cheese cubes, and forced them down her throat. Ignoring the sinking sickness that threatened to swell in her gut, and the ache that bubbled from her stomach. Lord, when was the last time she ate something solid? For days she moved through everything quickly barely giving herself time to register whether she was breathing, and now that she stopped... Water, smoothies, broth... All fine options, but nothing substantial.

Maybe that was why her fingers were starting to turn brittle, shaking when held in second position for too long. Maybe that was why her head was screaming at her, and her stomach wanted to cry in a whirl of cramps. Why her muscles felt like melted plastic stretching till stiff and then weighted with lead.

She grabbed a few carrots for good measure.

"Careful with that." The sweet voice was a materialization of her inner thoughts, and for a second she thought her mind manifested a human form until she turned, a total of nine baby carrots cradled in one hand, and saw Olivia.

"Excuse me?" Jaclyn asked, as poised as she could be with her heart ramming her ribs. Olivia smirked, tossing her hair and grabbing water for herself.

Jaclyn swore staring into the lime eyes of Olivia Richards that a person could look completely innocent and diabolical at the same time. "My mother's a good friend of Gillian Lynne's. I overheard her talking about your situation," she grasped Jaclyn's shoulder with a pout, "If you need anything I'm here to support you."

"Thanks, but it's not an issue anymore." Defiance flickered in Olivia's stare, she clearly wanted to push the subject, but that urge settled in her cold hands, squeezing Jaclyn's shoulder. With her pulse forced against Jaclyn's skin she could feel the redheads' heightened energy. Whether it was nerves or anger she didn't know.

Trapped in the other girls' painted claws, crucified under pouty lips, Jaclyn emitted the same intensity. She wanted to look around, to see if anyone nearby was watching behind cupped hands and side eyes. If so, what were they saying? Most likely spewing praises for the precious honorable lady who devoted her time to charities and hospices.

Maybe, Olivia was a good person, Jaclyn was just never allowed to see it

The possibility flew from her mind seconds later as Olivia's facade of burning excitement returned.

"I also overheard you talking to Kate and Chelsy-"

Jaclyn falsely giggled, trying to pull away from the girl's grasp, "do you just overhear everything?"

"Were you talking about marriage?" She mockingly giggled as well, ignoring Jaclyn's question. "I empathize with you, I truly do. Everyone is pressuring you, I'm sure it's nearly enough to make you rethink everything."

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