Welcome to Podunk Illinois

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January 2, 2007

With each visit to Villa Grove the small town dulled more and more. The bricked corners of the school were chipped to the point of being smooth, and the paint of most of the buildings downtown was peeling in sharp flakes. It was saddening, to watch it fade.

"Throw it!"

Jaclyn jumped turning to her tiny friend who was close to leaping over the fence and playing the game for the team. The ball soared through the air, one of the players caught it, but only made it a few steps before they were tackled. Mud was being tossed up at this point in huge piles mixed with dead grass and chunks of snow that hadn't been plowed.

It was just a fun scrimmage with another small school, a kick off for the new year, but everyone still acted like it was life or death.

"I cannot believe you've betrayed your people by enjoying this nonsense," Leo scoffed playfully. The four of them stood, because no one dared to sit, in the rusting bleachers, bundled in scarves and beanies to keep some semblance of warmth. William pulled his arm around Jaclyn's waist as she shivered trying to keep her close. "I don't know a lot about American football, but should they be playing in this weather?"

"We don't have a basketball team, I'm not sure why, we barely have enough guys for a football team, so this is like the welcome back game."

"And I haven't betrayed anyone," Natania added on, but her gaze was focused intently on the game unfolding. "I've spent just as much time here as I have in England."

Leo nudged Jaclyn, "I would've pegged you as the football fan."

"What because I'm American? You know me better than that," she snarked back.

"We've all seen you watch a baseball game darling," William whispered to her. She was curious why he lowered his voice, but then she saw it. The eyes of every person standing in the bleachers turning to gawk at the quad the four of them had formed.

Leo pressed his hand down on Nat's shoulder to calm her down, using their secret language of slight head tilts and eyebrow raises to explain what was going on.

But it wasn't necessary.

They could all tell what was going on, no one was being subtle. Jaclyn however kept her eyes trained on the field, and the others took the cue from her to do the same. Tonight they were just trying to be people not anomalies to gawk at.

Again another play started and the Blue Devil's took off running only to gain ten yards before the other team tackled the player to the ground. The crowd started cheering and Jaclyn had to signal for William and Leo to clap.

"Why are they cheering he literally took two steps?" Leo asked voice lowered to avoid the wrath of his girlfriend who was wrapped around the game completely.

"I'm confused, do they have positions," William turned to Leo eyebrows scrunched adorably, "I believe they have positions."

"I don't think so, this is a bloodbath-"

Laughing but her mind spinning from the oblivious conversation, Jaclyn stepped down from the bleachers, William immediately offering his arm as a rail. "I'm going to go get a pretzel from the concessions-"

"Yeah, stick it to RBC and their ridiculous weigh ins," Natania didn't look at her as she left, but her voice was loud and encouraging. For the first time that night they got weird looks that weren't for being with a prince. It seemed most of the world were unaware of the performing world culture.

Red-faced Jaclyn brushed by the people occupying the track that circled the football field. The gazes followed as she walked and more were added as she made her way to the concessions stand.

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