Part III: Never a Bride

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November 3rd, 2010

She was always the bridesmaid...

First for Alice and now for her best friend. It seemed to be a recurring problem, and even if she wasn't a part of the ceremony attending her friends weddings seemed to be a growing trend. It had been two years since Peter and Autumn's wedding, one since Kate and Charlie's, and it seemed Mike had everything but a ring when it came to proposing to Zara. That wasn't even counting William's college and Uni friends.

To put it bluntly Jaclyn now had the script for Church of England weddings memorized.

"What is it about marriage that seems so scary to you?" Kate asked pulling Jaclyn from her thoughts. The brunette was blending in Natania's blush. Jaclyn, who was spraying and gelling her hair so hopefully it would stay curly for at least the ceremony, contemplated ignoring Kate. That was until she accidentally caught Zara's eye through the bathroom mirror, the equestrian sprawled out on the floor still in her robe.

The other blonde clearly wasn't going to let her look away, and if the burning in her back was any clue, Natania was staring her down as well.

"It's not marriage that's scary..."

"Commitment?" Zara asked, propping up on her elbows.

"No not that either."

In the corner the silky off white fabric of Natania's fitted gown glared in the light that was sneaking through the curtains. Beading along the neckline reflecting and twinkling, and while everyone else had fawned over the dress Jaclyn internally felt sick. Like the dress was taunting her for being weak and scared.

"You can't deny the benefits of finally tying the knot," Kate spoke up, standing to her full height, hip popped and blush brush pointing accusingly at Jaclyn. The jibe in her head arose, mumbling about how easy it was for Kate. When Charlie and her got married, yes she became The Duchess of Norfolk, but there weren't any downsides to marrying the man she loved. Not when she didn't have to give up a part of who she was.

"Those are?" Jaclyn mumbled, feeling like a pouting child in the corner.

"You'd finally have security officers for one, I know that would be a big relief to everyone."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She turned to Kate, eyes narrowing daring her to say exactly what she meant.

"You're a little too adventurous for your own good," Zara said flatly, not scared to voice what they were all thinking.

"Since when is riding the tube adventurous?" Jaclyn scoffed. There was no reason to get defensive, but she was protective over the little freedom she had left. It would be easier, safer even, to accept William's offer to pay for a driver, but Jaclyn liked racing through the crowds that filled the underground station at the crack of dawn to get to work. She even liked driving herself now that she had finally gotten her license, not that she had a car.

"Since you got mobbed by fans."

She shrugged, focusing on pulling her curls back with bobby pins, "It wasn't that bad, they were just excited for my next show." And that was it really. Overall the connections she made with the other ordinary people, because in reality that's what she was, was why she liked the stuffy and odd smelling tube.

The girls were sharing similar looks of hesitation, having a silent conversation as Jaclyn stood off in the doorway of the bathroom. The boat neckline of the navy dress suddenly felt restricting, satin fabric sticking to her skin. The longer she stared at the swirling skirt, the more it looked like a certain navy diamond and the more she felt sick.

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