Part II: Homecoming

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Jackie OH!

Does anyone remember the small demure Jackie who wouldn't be caught dead out of a turtle neck, don't worry avid royal watchers this Jackie stil exists, but over the last year we have come to see a different side of the young American.

Many have dubbed her the newest "royal rebel" and we here at the Hello! can see why the name has caught on. Webber's not one to shy away from skirts above the knee and exposed shoulders as seen at William's polo matches, and her latest engagement brings forth more evidence.

Webber braved the crowd all alone at Prince Williams graduation from Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, her family was unable to accompany her, forcing her to sit amongst strangers.

She looked surprisingly fabulous while doing it though.

Wearing a long teal coat with a simple black dress underneath, a skull cap of all things, and some killer heeled boots that raised a few eyebrows.

Sadly, in the weeks following Webber returned to her go to picks of rock shirts, and sweatpants. We know you're working and dancing, but could you at least do so while looking fabulous? The curled pink tights under your shorts don't do you any favors, and neither does that slicked back ballet bun, add a part at least.

Little has been seen of Prince William and Webber as the holidays pass, but it's rumored they'll be flying to Illinois to have a belated Christmas with her family. Many are speculating a proposal will come from the mini vacation. The couple has been going strong for nearly two years, and if not this time then we're all sure an engagement is just around the corner.

We here at Hello! will keep you updated.


January 1, 2007

Mornings in Villa Grove differed greatly from mornings in London.

Mornings in London meant waking up apart, one of them always rising and gone before the other. But their mornings in Villa Grove? Where there was nothing to do, but be together and help out Jaclyn's family. They were irreplaceable.

William blinked in the morning sun that peaked through the blinds, and instinctively his arms wound around his girlfriend to shield her. At least he planned to until his hand was stopped by her knee pressed up to her face. He rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "only you, darling."

He'd come to realize over the last year and a half dating a dancer not only included showing up to her performances, or helping her stretch, but also getting jabbed in the gut while sleeping if she randomly decided to do a split while knocked out. Of course, Jaclyn being the heavy sleeper she was never noticed.

Carefully he pressed her knee back down to her side, she would spend all day complaining about being sore if he didn't, but before he could pull her closer to him Jaclyn rolled and nuzzled into his chest still perfectly sound asleep.

Warmth radiated from his heart swelling in flutters, even after so much time this feeling of being so close completely undid him.

There was something about the bliss that covered her face compared to the craziness that was her hair. He would never stop admiring how perfect she was like this, eyelids closed peacefully, her face half buried in his side while her knotted curls stood on their own in a sculpture like way.

She was soft, but oh so wild.

Before he could get too comfortable the door to Jaclyn's old bedroom swung open, followed by the sound of anxious nails skidding down the wood floor of the hall. Caleb came bursting in and right on his heels was Mara Jade, or MJ, the stray pitbull puppy Michelle had adopted a few months ago.

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