Acceptance (7)

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Month 3

"No- this is the sign for- UGH!! You guys!"

It's been three months since Kacchan left and I volunteered to teach our class JSL. Luckily for me Jiro and Present Mic also know JSL so they also offered help teach class 1-A. So far...its been a disaster.

Month 3 (Bakugo's P.O.V.)
"L-like this?" I asked the demonstrator as I signed the world 'soulmates'. They smiled and nodded their head.

Signing was a lot more easy and fun then I had originally thought. I don't look like and idiot, or feel like one! But the only thing is the implant. I'm still not used to it. When I need it on I'll leave it on but when I'm by myself I have it off.

Month 5
"Yes! There you go! That's it!" By this time most of my class can hold a pretty decent conversation in JSL which is pretty amazing. But there were a few who actually went a whole extra mile.

Month 5 (Bakugo's P.O.V.)
It's 5 months now. I'm just about ready to go back to school. Om pretty fluently in sign language and with the surgery, I can hear things again. But I didn't just want to rely on my hearing again so I decided to learn JSL.

Month 6
It's been about 6 months since Kacchan left. I miss him but I understand why he left. Most of the class has started getting a good hang on sign language. Especially Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. I think they want to keep the same relationship that they had.

Month 6 (Bakugo's P.O.V.)
It's been about 6 months and since I got my cochlear implants and started my road to recovery, along with learning JSL. I've also discussed with my doctors, mom, and Nezu if I could go back to school and they had all agreed so I'm going to going back to school.

Two weeks later

Bakugo's P.O.V
During these past two weeks I've brought most of my stuff back into my dorm, reformed my schedule, and whatnot. Today however was going to be my 'official' first day of school in 6 months.

I breathe in and out calmly as I stare at the ginormous door in front of me. Just as I decided to head in, I hear familiar voice. Well, 4 to be exact.

"So then I was like f-"


"Hey guys..." I waved sheepishly.


"BAKUGO!!" They all cheered.

They came running towards me and engulfed me in a tight group hug. I didn't want to admit but I missed them. I missed this. But I didn't really feel like saying it directly towards them so I showed them my own love.

"Alright! Get off me before I set your guy's ass on fire!" I gave them a warning by making small pops.

They all seemed to laugh it off and disbursed. That's when Sero started to start laughing.

"Wow, you've really softened up huh?" He asked with a smug smirk.

"Ahut the fuck up, let's just go inside already. We look like idiots just yelling in the hallway." I shrugged off his little remark. He wasn't completely wrong but he also wasn't completely right.

Kaminari opened the door and entered first, then Mina, Sero and finally me. But I couldn't go.

I couldn't go inside.

From behind me I hear Kirashima giggle. Just before I was able to ask him what was so funny, I was shoved in the room.

"Hey what the fuck"

The room was dead silent. Everyone just seemed to stare at me. It was awkward. Very awkward. It got to the point where I was about to set off explosions but then something else happened.

All together as a class they greeted me with a 'Hello' in sign language. My heart almost skipped a beat.

But they didn't really need to know that. I casually greeted them with a 'Hey' and took a seat. Most kept their wide smiles and others just kept on going with what they were doing.

I rested my head on my forearm as I scanned the room. Almost everyone was still the same from before I left. Except two.

Candy cane and the nerd.

"Oh whatever. Not like a give a fuck about them anyway." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey Bakugo, wanna come hang out with us later? The five of us were going to go movie hoping and then buy a bung of snacks and chill in Seros room. You down?" He asked as he showed my hands away and sat himself down on my desk.

I rolled my eyes and just simply laid my arms down on his lap and looked up at him.

"Sounds dope, I'm down. Oh, but are there any cl-" just as I was about to finish my sentence the door slid open revealing a now very tall Todoroki the same old Deku.

Deku was walking inside the classroom backwards while Todoroki was talking to him. They seemed to be talking about something they like cause they were all smiles and giggles until Izuku tripped over his own feet and was about to fall.

Out of instinct I was about to get up but Todoroki caught him effofrtlessly. That really pissed me off.

"Oh yeah. While you were gone Todoroki grew and they both became even more closer they they already were. I wouldn't be surprised if they started dating." Kirishima explained.

That's when it hit him.

"OH SHIT! I-I didn't mean it like that's its just that-"

"Its fine Sharks. I've already made it clear that I dont wanna be his soulmate. We just ignore the fact. Just ignore them okay." Yes I specifically told him I wasn't interested in being soulmates but my heart still clenched at the scene.

"Whatever." I thought as I looked back up at Sharks.

The rest of the day went by and nothing eventful really happened, although every time I was with Kirishima my heart seemed to beat a little faster. He had told me he has like me but I rejected him but now...I think I might be accepting those feelings.

Yall😫 I'm so sorry this chapter was so sloppy. I this chapter to show just how much Bakugo has changed but I also wanted him to keep his fiery attitude. I'm sorry if that's not what you thought I was trying to do, I just wanted to get this chapter over and done with 😭
As always, love you guys lots, be safe, happy new years, and have a good night/morning/afternoon!! ❤❤

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