Someone to blame (3)

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It's been a couple days since the search and rescue mission. Most people were alive because of us. That's good...but why did it feel like a loss? Well I've got a fucking good idea.

After a couple hours I woke up. Still couldn't hear. After a couple of tests I was finally declared deaf. The doctor also bombarded me with a bunch of stuff like learning sign language or getting a cochlear implant. Stuff like that.

I didn't really care about all that thought. I wouldn't have lost my quirk if it wasn't for that damned nerd. If he didn't push me out the way then I wouldn't have used my AP Shot to get him out. It's all because of him. Him.

'Are you hungry?'

The sudden movement of paper sliding under my arm gave me a little bit of a shock. I read the paper and nodded a 'no' slowly. My mom gave me a faint smile an headed off.

I stumbled out of bed and and leaned against the my door frame. The clear white hospital hallways were empty but smelled awful.

I could do it now.

I can do it.

Do it now.

Do it.

I turned around an walked back into my room. I quickly stripped myself of the damn hospital clothes and put on some of the regular clothes mom had brought me. I slipped on my shoes and sped walked to my doorframe.






I bolted out my room and ran down the hallway. As I ran I felt a small presence behind me. That sixth sense type of shit people always talk about, I whipped my head around still running forward only to see a doctor and a couple nurses chasing after me.

I gave them a mischievous smirk and ran faster. When I reached the flight of stairs I froze for a bit but then just decided to jump over them all.

When I landed I felt my bones ache for a split second but I ignored it. I kept going. I kept going until I reached the dorms.

I entered the empty elevator and waited for it to go up. As I waited, I thought, "Where could that damned nerd be?" He wasn't in the hospital that was for sure, if he was he would be dead."

I looked around the elevator when I saw a old All Might sticker. It was brown and the edge's were rounded and the colors were faded. That's when it hit me.

Training grounds.

I slammed my hand again the elevator buttons until I reached the button with the arrow going down. As I waited in the small cramped elevator to shift directions I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Oh fuck this!" I smashed my palm against the button that said stop and it stopped almost immediately at the nearest floor.

Thankfully we were near a floor. When the doors opened I was greeted with a hallway I wasn't familiar with. I groaned super pissed at this point that small pops were coming out my hands. I sighed and clenched causing the poos to stop.

I ran down the hallway, all the way to the emergency staircase. I practically jumped from staircase to staircase till I reached the bottom. I slammed the door open letting out my heavy pants of air. I walked out into the open area where it looked to be an empty training ground.

I was so caught up on catching Deku that I hadn't even noticed that it had become dark already. It was a chilly night so I saw my air turn into fog as soon as I exhaled. I walked around a bit until something caught my eye.

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