Reaching out (10)

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When my alarm clock went off, it took me no longer then a second to turn it off. Reason? I never went to sleep. I was wide awake the whole time.

Once again I wiggled my way out of Kirishima's arms and headed towards Deku's dorm. When I got there I just walked in as it were mine. I looked around but I couldn't find him. That then I heard the shower turn off.

"HEY NERD! Why haven't you told me you were sick? That you taught them sign language? That you cut our sting so that I could tie it with Kirishima."

I was pissed. I was going to face him, even if he was butt naked. I pushed the door uoen but only to bee greeted with a dripping wet Todoroki drying himself off with a towel.

Why was here here? In the nerds shower? Where was the nerd anyway?

"Oh so you found out, finally." He rolled his eyes as he began drying his hair.

"You were in on it too!?" I yelled giving him a slight shower purely out of anger.

" I was the one who helped him come to the decision. You would cut your guy's souls sting and then you would connect yours with Kirishima and Midoriya with me. See." He lifted up his souls string with a smug smirk

No, that was fake. In the texts Deku said it himself that he didn't do it. Unless they did it just now...

"Hey Shoto, you done yet? I'm all sticky and sweaty so hurry."

My eyes widened. I glanced over at the Todoroki only to see him waving around his soul acting as it were some type of trophy.

"You bastard!" I yelled as I lunged at him pushing him against the wall, choking him with my forearm. He didn't seem to care though. He kept on smiling as he tried to push me off.

Not even a couple seconds later the door bust open to reveal Izuku. He had a store bag around his wrist and his shirt looked damp.

"The fuck is going on?!"

"You slept with this motherfucker?!"

"What? No I didn't!" Izuku slapped his forehead as he walked over to us and pulled us apart and stood in between us.

"We went for a morning run. We agreed when we got back he would shower first I would go get us food. That was all. Now get out Katsuki." He pushed my chest lightly which made me back up.

From behind him I saw Todoroki smirk. He seemed to want to piss me off even more. He wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist and leaned in resting his chin on the others shoulder as he whispered,

"He knows..."


"He knows."

"I know."

Deku looked back and forth between me and Todoroki, not even bothering to move his hands away allowing the bastard to hug him tighter.

"Bastard! Get off him!" I yelled as I tried to pull him off of my soulmate.

"That's my soulmate! Get your hands off of him! Get your own!" I grabbed Izuku's wrist but it was slapped away by the candy cane.

"Let him go." He said coldly

"Now way!" I growled as I tried tugging on Izuku's wrist again.

"Katsuki. I'm not your soulmate anymore. Look at your string. Although its white right now, it'll glow a beautiful red and you and Kiri will be happy."

Huh? I looked back to see my soul string was a clear white string. Not a beautiful red one me and Izuku had. What's worse. It wasn't even connected to Izuku. It just lead out the room and down the hallway where it would lead you back to my room and see a sleeping red head on my bed.

"Just like how soon mine and Todoroki's sting will soon gl-"

"Okay! Now that, that right there! Complete bullshit! You haven't tied shit!."

I grabbed Deku's wrist and then his sting pulling it towards me until I reached the ragged end. I heard The bastard behind him curse under his breath as he released Izuku from his grasp.

"It doesn't. What matters is that you and Kirishima are soul mates and that's that. Now go!" Izuku pushed me out the bathroom and out into the hallway. Once I was out, he slammed the door right in front of my face.

I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my dorm. Once I arrived I just stood there. I couldn't seem to open the door and face Sharks. Not after what I just said, what I did.

After a bit of self loathing and talking I finally turned the knob. But when I entered the room, Kiri was gone. "Damn. Guess all that was for nothing. Whatever, I can finally think things over."

I plopped down on my bed and raised my hands up in the air. I fiddled with my string lacing it between my fingers, my wrist, and palm.

"I have to help him, it's my fault. I have to. But have to do it in a way he won't know...OH! I got it! I know that I can do!"

Like I said before, my chapters are messed up, this chapter happens before the chapter 'I'm sorry'

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