Ignoring (6)

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I was frustrated. How could he do that to me. Granted I backed him Tonto a corner but still. Its pissing me the fuck off to the point I feel little tingling of small explosions in my palms.

After about half an hour I was able to calm myself and think things over.

"I need to tell mom I've made my decision..."

👹Devil spawn👹: 'Hey mom, I... I think I'll do it'

👺Devil summoner👺: 'Katsuki baby, what is it?'

👹Devil spawn👹: 'The surgery, so that can hear again. I think I'm ready'

👺Devil summoner👺: 'Are you sure? So I can call the doctor to do it whenever you want.'

👹Devil spawn👹: 'Yeah I'm sure, can we talk more tomorrow? I wanna go to bed, you should too'

👺Devil summoner👺: 'Okay kid, see you tomorrow. Goodnight baby'

👹Devil spawn👹: 'Night mom'

"Okay now that that's done, time to go to bed."

I plugged my phone in and plopped down on my bed. I dug my face into my pillow taking in a deep breath, the sleepiness already winning over me.

My eyes shot open as if I had just woken up from a nightmare. I looked around my room in a kid of confused state because of my body abruptly waking me up. I glance up to my nightstand and see a purple hue color on the edge of the screen. I groaned as I slapped my warm palm against my cold phone screen which made me shiver a bit but I quickly got over it.

I lazily unplugged it and brought it closer to face, my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright screen. After a while I realize which button it is to swipe to turn off my alarm. Usually I would use the voice command to stop it but since I couldn't hear it and my body just woke up manually I had to do it myself.

I got up from my bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I did my morning business as per usual and started my shower. I let the water run while I got my clothes ready.

I set my clothes out on my bed and then headed to the bathroom again to finally shower. It was nice and hot, just how I liked it. Especially if it was cold like a morning like this.

After 20 minutes I got out my shower and changed into my clothes. I sprayed some of my cologne and checked my phone.

👺Devil summoner👺: 'Remember we have the doctors appointment at 9 and then the meeting with your principal at 12. See you then😘'

I glanced at the time on my phone and smirked to myself.

"Still got time for breakfast and then I can head to the doctor's."

I headed downstairs and made myself something small. I sat down at the table and out my phone just to use it while I ate. As I ate I felt someone staring. I looked up to see half n' half starin' at me.

"The fuck is up with you? Why you starin'?"

He glared at me for a bit but then grabbed the small magnetic whiteboard from the fridge and started writing something on it then handed it to me.

'If you and Midoriya are soulmates why are you still so mean to him? Genuine curiosity.' His face said that he was a little annoyed but the amount of pressure that was put onto the marker said something else.

"Careful. You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat." I smirked as I put away my phone and started to fiddle with my soul string which seemed to start glowing.

He bit the inside of his cheek and then started to write sonething else again.

'Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Now tell me, why are you playing with Izuku? I thought you hated him.'

Reading this made my blood boil. The fuck does he want with the nerd? Why should he care about our problems. Wait- why do I care so much? Whatever!

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. I put my dishes in the sink and headed off. After about 30 minutes of walking I finally reached my doctor's. I headed to his office where I saw my mom already waiting.

We talked about all the options I could choose, the risks, price's, the norm. Once that was all settle we headed to my school next. We spoke to Principal Nezu about what was gonna happen and he understood.

After that we went to my dorm and packed all my stuff. It wasn't a lot since most of it was at the house but still a fair amount of things. Once everything was packed we called dad and he came with the car so we could load everything.

After all that we went out to eat and by then half my day was gone. I took out my phone just to check my notifications and saw that some people had texted me but just about random shit that I didn't really care about.

I didn't feel the need to tell them about my absence, especially since I knew most of them wouldn't even care. Most would probably be happy. But whatever, I could care less.

One week later

Midoriya's P.O.V.
"Hey Kirishima! Do you know where Kacchan is? I couldn't get a hold of him this week."

"Oh yeah, you too? Me neither. It's kinda weird."

Me and Kirishima both shrugged when Mr. Aizawa came in the room.

"Alright I got some pretty important news for you. As many of you know Bakugo hasn't been hear lately due to his injury. It seems that he will have to extend his absence a bit more. I just got informed today that he let to get his surgery in hopes to regain his hearing."

Mr. Aizawa continued to speak but I completely zoned out. Did he leave because of me? Because of what I said? Of fuck! I really screwed up this time...

The rest of the day seemed to go by in a blur. Before I knew it was was in my sleeping clothes and already in bed...but I still couldn't sleep. It was impossible with all these different thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Then it clicked. Knowing Kacchan he's gonna be reluctant about this whole situation.

Wouldn't it be great when he got back he could hang with his friends without worrying about any typ of barrier.

💀Bone crusher💀:'Hey guys, would you guys be down to learn sign language? So when Kacchan comes back we can all surprise him!'

🦈Sharks🦈:'Yo Midoriya! That's a great idea! I'm so down!'

🇨🇦Canadian flag🇨🇦:'Sure, seems cool

👩‍🚀astronaut👩‍🚀:'Yeah let's do it!'

My phone flooded with the responses with the rest of my classmates. This was a good decision. I smiled as I buried my face in my pillow.

"Hope to see you soon Kacchan!"

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