Facing fact (9)

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With Izuku (2 hours ago)

Izuku's P.O.V.
As I crawled out of Bakugo's room I almost threw up but was able to hold in the feeling till I was on my feet and running back to my dorm with my hand doing a sloppy job of covering my mouth.

As I was running I saw Todoroki was  waiting at my door. He quickly realized the situation and opened the door for me allowing me to run in and head straight to the bathroom with him following after me.

I landed on my knees and and lifted up the toilet seat and the cover in one go. Once it was just the bowl, I let everything spill out.

"You did it huh? You cut your sting? Moron..."

"Shut up Shoto!"

"NO! I'm right! You're an idiot!"


"I know..."

For a moment there was complete silence. But the moment came to an end when I heard Todoroki come behind me and start taking off my shirt.

"If your body gets too hot you can have a heat stroke. Plus, you got drool and vomit all over yourself. Arms up."

I complied and lazily lifted up my arms. Once my shirt was off completely he placed his right palm on my forehead and slowly started to cool my head with his quirk.

"How do you know so much about the symptoms?" I asked as I looked up at him.

He looked down at me with almost a sad look. "My mom. She cut her string with my scumbag dad. They both said that their bodies were on fire, dizziness, and vomiting." He explained as he knelt down and placed his hand on my heart, then my stomach, and then chest, letting my body cool down in sections.

"Shoto, just lay ice all over the floor, I'll do the the rest." I said as I tried shoving his hand away but as soon as I did, I immediately regretted it.

"Yeah no, that's not gonna happen. Come here." effortlessly he picked me up and brought me to my bed.

He took off all the blankets and then put a thin layer of ice on the mattress. Then we laid down. The ice felt nice and with Todoroki laying right next to me with his quirk was even better.

"Hey...why don't you just tie your string with me? I haven't found my soulmate so there's no harm done."

I chuckled and shook my head with a soft smile. "Nah, I dont wanna take that chance away from you. You dont deserve that."

"But you know that I don't care. You know I love you but yet you still choose him. Even after all this. Even though you know he's gonna choose Kirishima."

"So? As long as hes happy, I'll be happy. No further explanation. Plus, you know I don't love you like you love me."

"I know but what's the harm in trying?"

"Well you arn't wrong. Look at me. I'm a moron."

"Ha. Yeah, that you are."

"Hey Shoto...stay with me. Until I feel better?"

"No need to ask. You know I will. Now, go to sleep. I'll still be right here when you wake up."

"Alright.... And thanks, for everything."

"Go to sleep."

"Alright, alright, night Shoto."




3 months later

"Babe wake up. Your phone keeps flashing! Babe! Ugh, when this motherfucker goes to sleep he fucking dies." I wiggled my way out of Kirishima's arms and grabbed his phone.

Oh yeah, me and Kirishima have been dating for about 3 months now. Almost immediately after he cut his sting and tied ours together. It's been great so far. We've been really happy but...something doesn't feel right...complete.

I did my own extra research and they said this was just a temporary side effect of cutting a completed soul string. But in my gut, I knew this was different.

I swiftly swiped my finger across the screen to unlock it, after about 2 seconds it did. I went to his messages to see exactly who had been texting him. To my surprise it was the nerd.

☠Bone crusher ☠: 'Kiri, have any of you developed symptoms yet?'

The fuck symptoms? Symptoms for what?

Being the nosy bitch I am started to scroll up. Although the more I did the more curious I got. The past weeks they were just talking about symptoms. Then once I scrolled more, up to 3 months ago, when we first started dating, they were talking about mine and Deku's soul string.

Deku had told Kiri that he was going to come to me and tell me to cut our soul string. And that once our string was cut that me and him should date and tie strings so that I wouldn't get sick.

Then it clicked. I immediately scrolled back down and payed closer attention the the texts.

Apparently when a completed soul string is cut, both ends will feel the repercussions, especially the person who genuinely seemed to love the most.

If either end doesn't tie their now cut sting they will get deadly sick and slowly die.

I was shocked. What else were they hiding? I scrolled all the way till 6 months ago, just before Ieft.

Before I left, not much talk, just stuff here and there. However after I left, that's when they seemd to talk even more.

I learned that not only did Deku teach my friends JSL, but the whole class. And he taught extra hard to teach my friends separately.

Next thing I learned was that contrary to what I believed, Deku never tied his souls sting. It was still broken and he was sick. Really sick.  The only that was so Todoroki would and could be happy in the future. Same with me and Kirishima.

As I was going back and forth between recent messages and old messages, I left a light buzz from his phone and a small arrow at the bottom appeared at the bottom meaning hensent a new message.

I quickly clicked it and automatically it scrolled all the way down for me.

☠Bone crusher☠: 'Hey Kiri. Just tell me if he forms any symptoms anything at all. I don't want him ending up like me.'

Like him? Just how bad is it? How bad are these symptoms? As I was panicking I felt a light tug on my shirt. I look down to see a half awake Kirishima grabbing my waist, after he positioned himself he grabbed my hand and started signing.

"Babe, what's wrong. Go back to bed..."

"Um...yeah. give me a sec." I squeezed his hand. I let out a sight and turned off the phone setting it on the nightstand. It was too late and I'm too tired to deal with all this right now. I lifted the blanket and crawl back in and snuggled back in Kirishima's embrace and closed my eyes.

One things for sure though. I was going to find out everything and anything they've been hiding from me.

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