a walk on the beach (Aaron Hotchner)

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Summary: A walk on the beach with Aaron, Jack, and your dog, Hazel.

Word count: 0.4k

Genre: fluff


A/N: short but sweet

Watching the waves crash onto the sand, you sighed in contentness. Walking down the coast with the ones you loved, never failed to make you smile.

As Aaron grabbed your hand, you watched Jack struggle with the leash, while walking your dog Hazel.

"Hey, you need some help there, buddy?" you asked him, questioning if he could hold onto it any longer.

"No, I'm ok", he replied, opting for picking the dog up, instead of walking it.

Jack then ran ahead of you and Aaron and dropped down on the floor.

"Hey Dad, Y/n! Come watch this trick I can do with Hazel," he exclaimed.

Once he saw that he had your attention, he proceeded to point his finger at Hazel and say, "sit!", which she then did.

When Jack saw that she did indeed sit, he started to bow. You and Aaron clapped, to play along with him, until Aaron said, "That was great Jack. Why don't we keep walking through, ok buddy?"

"Ok Dad", Jack said as he grabbed the leash, and continued to walk, ahead of you guys.

You smiled at the sight and got lost in your thoughts. You thought about how lucky you were to be in that position. Five years ago you never would have believed it if someone told you that you would be with the love of your life and his amazing son. Oh, and hazel too, the dog of the year.

Aaron never failed to make you smile, and seeing his rare smile, always made your day. Even with his difficult work schedule, he always made things work. Whether it be calling you whenever he can, or holding you like his life depended on it when he was home. You truly believe that he was your soulmate.

Jack was the sweetest boy imaginable. When you first met him, you were scared that he wouldn't like you, but when he met you, he fell in love with you, much like his dad. You had almost become like a mom to him.

Finally, Hazel, she was the dog you adopted in college, there with you through all the highs and the lows.

"Hey, sweetie. What're you thinking about?" Aaron said to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Oh. Just life you know, how lucky I am to have you and Jack. And how happy I am." you said with a smile.

"Well, I'm happy that you are happy", Aaron said, as he kissed your forehead.

You rested your head on his shoulder, and the two of you just kept walking, as happy as can be.

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