together, we'll be fine (Luke Alvez)

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Summary: Luke has many worries about his job, and not being there to protect you, your there to comfort him

Paring: Luke Alvez x gn! reader

Genre: fluff (hurt/comfort a bit)

Word count: 652

Luke prided himself on being a protector. He previously was on the fugitive task force and was an army ranger, and now a profiler. All his life he protected people. It was easy to be away catching bad guys when Roxy was the only one he had waiting for him at home, but now he had you.

You had always been supportive of his job. You knew he was doing a good thing, and it was what he was passionate about. Luke knew this and was thankful, but he also thought about all the things that he saw during the daytime, and how he left you all alone when he was gone.

So, now when you lay on our couch on a Friday night, the both of you were quite comforted by each other.

With your hand petting Roxy, and Luke's running through your hair, you both decided to watch some TV that night.

Clicking on the button on the TV remote, the default channel started playing. That channel just so happened to be the news channel.

"The citizens of Quantico, Virginia continue in a frenzy over the so-called 'Black Eye Murderer.' Police have refused to give a-" you heard a reporter on the news say before Luke quickly shut it off.

"Hey! Why'd you turn it off?" you questioned.

Luke huffed and said a bit defensively, "I don't want you seeing that kinda stuff. You gotta understand, I see enough of that stuff out in the field, you don't have to know that stuff, I can protect you."

You softly brushed my fingers across Luke's face, in hopes to calm him down a bit. "It's ok, I understand. Where's this all coming from?"

"I just- I just I catch these bad guys for a living, and I love my job, I do, but how could I keep leaving you home alone, seeing all the things I do on a daily basis? Is that selfish of me? But what about all the people that could get away if I was away? And I don't think I could handle it if something happened to you when I was away,"

"Luke, hey, what's wrong?"

In an attempt to comfort him, you scooted towards him, which in turn made him scoot away from you. "Nevermind, it's ok, I'm ok, sorry about that."

"Luke, listen to me, you don't ever have to be sorry about voicing your worries to me, ok? I'll always be there for you, no matter what."

"Thanks," Luke said as he snuggled back into me again.

"You do so much good for this world, and you're so good at your job, baby. I would never want you to stop doing that because you feel obligated to protect me. I think I would even feel too guilty too. I can protect myself, and I can promise you that if anything ever happened to me, it would never, ever ever be your fault, Luke."

"Yeah, I mean I know that, but it doesn't make leaving you any easier,"

You gave him a sad smile, and gently put your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, my love"

"I know. It's just really hard you know? It feels like there is no good option. It's like either way I'm just gonna end up with something bad."

An ominous mood was set upon the room, one that covered all the love in it. While you could still feel the love that you felt for each other, there was still a darker tone to the room.

"Look. I'm really not sure what we're gonna do, but whatever you end up deciding, I know that we'll get through this, together. I love you, and you love me, hopefully-" that got a chuckle out of Luke "- so I know that in the end, it'll all be ok."

"You know what?"


"I love you so much Y/n L/n."

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