a letter to a loved one (Spencer Reid)

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Summary: Spencer misses you, so he writes you a letter

Word count: 0.4k


Genre: fluff, touch of angst

Dear Y/n,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing to you as much as usual. Life has been hectic, with work. We've had so many cases, and I know it's not an excuse, but it's nice saving all those lives. But with that being said, I still apologize for not writing.

I don't want to take away from my apology to you, but I almost feel like my not writing to you has affected me more than you. Writing letters to you, and reading yours, makes me feel sane. With all the things I see on a daily basis, I need to feel your love. And, I would like to think that you can feel all my love for you, through the letters.

When I'm up at night, when I can't sleep, you're the one I'm thinking about, and I have that teddy bear you gave me for our anniversary, on the nightstand. It may seem silly, but it helps me sleep at night, knowing that a piece of our love is right there next to me. I'm not alone in doing so though. Statistically, about 34% of adults sleep with some sort of comfort object. Sorry for the random statistic, that was strangely placed. But you know, one of my favorite things about you, is that you're always so interested in my statistics. It warms my heart, metaphorically of course.

I hope you're doing ok. I worry about you a lot. I have so much love for you and care so much about you. You're all I can think about. I am just constantly thinking about whether or not you're drinking enough water, or getting enough sleep, I just want you to be happy and healthy.

I miss being with you as well. I miss all our late nights, talking about everything and anything. I miss how you always are so invested in our conversation. You actually care about what I have to say. And most of all, I miss cuddling with you while watching the stars, and kissing your lips, ignoring all the voices in my head saying not to because of the germs, because how could I not kiss you. You are always so beautiful, whether you know it or not, and kissing you brings me immense joy, more than any book or statistic.

I love you so much and cannot wait for you to come home to me.


Dr. Spencer Reid.

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