movie night (Spencer Reid)

4.7K 54 7

Summary: after missing one of your dates, Spencer makes it up to you, with a movie night

Word count: 0.7k


Genre: fluff

A/N: loosely based on the song Night Changes by One Direction

"Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes", you sang as you finished brushing your hair.

You were getting ready for your date with Spencer, and music always seemed to make the time go by faster.

"But there's nothing to be afraid of, even when the night changes. It will never change me and you". As those lyrics passed, you couldn't help but think about all your fears, but how confident you were that Spencer would always be there for you. The thought of that made you smile, as you started singing the next verse.

Spencer was a sweetheart. He didn't need big romantic gestures to make you fall in love with him. You fell for him because of the nights where he brought you cold spoons to help with your tired eyes after a long day at the office, or when he bought you your favorite dessert because he was late coming back from work. Those were the things that made every challenge seem minuscule.

And that's also why you were fine after you received the call. The call from Spencer, telling you that he had to cancel the date.

"It's ok Spence. We can have a date night another time. It's not a big deal." you reassured him, over the phone.

"It's not ok though. I just want to make you happy. But I always miss your date nights." he said. The sadness was evident in his voice, and that made you frown.

"I am happy though bubs. Aaaaand, we can have a movie night when you get back from the case. And to make it up to me, you can bring snacks, and let me choose the movie. How 'bout that?" you said, clearly already excited about the plan.

Spencer caught on to the excitement, so he said, "Ok my love. That sounds great. And I'm glad you're happy."

Spencer then saw Hotch coming, through the window, and said to you, "I've got to go now. I'll be home in a few days, ok? I love you, baby,"


It was around six o'clock when you got a text from Spencer:

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey Y/n! I'm heading on the jet home right now. It's a short flight, so we'll probably be home around seven o clock, I'll see you for movie night. Get the movie ready, and I'll be there with the snacks. I miss you!

When you saw the text, you immediately got up and started to get ready.

You went over to the closet where you held all your blankets and grabbed a few. Comfort was a priority to you.

You walked over to the couch and plopped the blankets on there.

Sauntering over to the shelf where you kept your dvds, you started humming the tune of the song that had been playing days earlier. "Heart is beatin' loud and she doesn't want it to stop", the melody hung in the air, and you started to look at the movie choices.

Your finger brushed across the array of dvds on the shelves, browsing the movies. Eventually, you choose one. One of your favorite childhood movies, Cinderella. You put the dvd in the player and paused it so it would be ready when Spencer came home.

You then sat down on the couch, scrolling on your phone, until you heard the jingling of Spencer's key, indicating that he was home.

"Hey bubs, I'm home!" Spencer called out to you.

You smiled, and ran up to him, and hugged him. Being a germaphobe, Spencer was usually very tense when people gave him hugs, but when you hugged him, he found himself melting into the hug, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"I brought your favorite snacks," Spencer said as you both headed over to the couch.

After you both sat down on the couch, he draped the blankets over the two of you and wrapped his arms around you. You gently rubbed his arm, as you pressed play.

"Ooo Cinderella? Did you know that in the original fairy tale-", Spencer then went on one of his tangents. You smiled and snuggled into him, and intently listened to him talk.

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