a bad thing for a good thing (Spencer Reid)

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Summary: sometimes it takes a bad thing for a good thing to happen; Spencer gets kidnaped, and it causes him to confess his feelings

Paring: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader

Word count: 2.1k

Genre: Angst to fluff

WARNINGS: general criminal minds stuff, kidnapping, and torture (if you watch the show you'll be fine)

A/N: I kinda hate this fic lol, I just needed to get it outta my system. Also not proofread.

"Why can't you just accept that it's over for you? You're gonna die," he said as he pointed his gun at Spencer's head. Spencer exhaled deeply through his nose, as he writhed against the ropes binding his limbs.

"Oh? You're not gonna say anything? You're not scared? Well, you should be scared because you will die. But... I'm not a total psycho. I'll wait a bit. Give you a little bit of hope before I shatter it into pieces." the man says while chuckling.

"My team will find you" Spencer spits out.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that, pretty boy" the man told Spencer.

"Don't call me that!" Spencer screamed.

At the sudden reminder of Morgan, Spencer winced. His friend, and brother, Derek Morgan. He might not ever see him again, and that thought wounded Spencer.

Thinking of Derek got him thinking about all the rest of the team, and he thought about all the things he would never be able to tell them.

All the missed "I love you"s and "I care about you"s. All the late-night talks, and times that Spencer would ramble on about stuff, gone.

Spencer thought about Y/n. the new girl, the newbie, the new owner of his heart. She was the bane of his existence but in the best way possible. Everything about the girl had the boy transfixed. He would do anything if she asked.

Within the few months that Y/n had been in the BAU, it was safe to say that Spencer had fallen for Y/n. Every day, he told himself that he was going to ask Y/n out, but it never happened because of Spencer's constant doubt of himself.

He was beating himself up about it now. He might not ever get to feel what it's like to kiss her lips. The ones he spent so long daydreaming about. He might not be able to tell her how he truly feels, because of his cowardness.

Spencer just hoped that the team would find him before it was too late.


"Spencer, Spencer, Spencer. Your time is running out. Your friends better hurry if they want you alive" the man told Spencer.

The man slowly started tracing shapes on Spencer's skin, with a knife.

As he did this, Spencer just clenched his jaw.

"Show no fear. Show no fear." Spencer repeated to himself.

He knew these psychos. He knew the profile. He could survive. Right?


"Hey, Hotch wants everyone to meet at the round table. New member!" JJ announced to everyone in the bullpen.

As they all filed into the room, they saw Y/n, standing next to Hotch. She was standing as straight as she could, in an attempt to look professional, and it was clear she was trying to make a good impression.

She was nervous because she knew how important first impressions are. She had heard about how tight-knit the BAU family was, and wanted nothing more than to fit in.

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