12 - Y3

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Hermione was trying to catch her breath.

"Hermione, calm down." y/n was putting a hand on Hermione's back, leading her to sit on her bed.

"Harry, could you call Ron here? All of you need to hear this," Hermione said, finally calming down, looking confused.

"Sure." Harry made his way out. A few seconds later, he came back into the room followed by a redhead and red-faced Ronald Weasley.

"Percy is such a- Hermione? Are you okay?" Ron started, then walked to sit on the floor next to Hermione's bed.

"I've just overheard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talking and... Harry, I think Sirius Black is trying... trying to kill you." Ron and y/n looking back and forth from Harry to Hermione.

There was a pause. Then-

"Kill me? Why would he want to kill me?" Harry said stupidly.

"I heard Mr. Weasley saying that Sirius Black kept talking about you in his sleep. He kept saying "He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts." He's dangerous Harry! No one has ever escaped from Azkaban before-"

"That's what everyone's said," Harry mumbled but y/n was the only one that heard him.

"Mr. Weasley also said that Fudge was out of Azkaban the day that Black escaped. And that Black thinks murdering you, Harry, will bring You-Know-Who back to power.  Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he's had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that." Hermione quoted worriedly. "Mr. Weasley wanted to warn you about all this but Mrs. Weasley says that you wouldn't take it well."

"Well, she's got it all wrong then," Harry stated and the three turned to Harry. "I mean, I'm not really that worried, honestly. I already have Voldemort trying to kill me. One more mass murderer won't hurt now, would it?" Ron and Hermione flinched at the mention of the Dark Lord's name.

"Harry, he's escaped bloody Azkaban to kill you. You should at least be a little concerned," Ron spoke.

"I mean, yeah, I am. But we've got Dumbledore, right? Everyone is safe at Hogwarts," Harry stated.

"Y-yeah... He has a point," y/n finally spoke. Harry knew why she was being so quiet.

A knock was heard from the room door. All four of them turned just in time to see Fred and George entering the room, snickering.

The twins sat down on the floor beside Ron. y/n was sitting with Hermione on her bed as Harry sat on y/n's.

Fred dropped something onto the ground.

"We've been improving it," Fred snickered.

It was Percy's Head Boy badge. But the badge now read "Bighead Boy".

Ron grinned but stopped immediately. "You two better let Percy know it wasn't me. I don't want mum to murder me."

"Alright, Ronikins. What do you guys think?" Geroge said, looking at all of them.

y/n laughed, thinking that it was funny. Harry laughed along too while Hermione gave a disapproving face.

"It's brilliant," Harry said, chuckling now.

"Percy is going to kill you two," y/n stated.

"No, he's going to take points from their house points. Get it? Like, the Burrow? House? Points?" Ron tried but the most he got was y/n and Hermione smiling.

"Nice try. You'll get there one day," said Fred. He patted his brother on the shoulder and got up. George followed, bringing the badge with him. "Oh, and you guys better be getting to bed. Mum is coming up."

[in process of rewriting] 𝐲/𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now