16 - Y3

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The four made their way along the corridors and into the great hall where dinner was served. It was about 6.10 pm. 

Ron sat with y/n as Harry sat on the opposite side with Hermione.

Dishes appeared in front of them and the four gobbled down the food as they talked about the day.

"I still can't believe Malfoy did that. What a pathetic brat," Ron complained at one point as he finished his third drumstick.

"Yeah well, you can't expect much from him, can you? He's Malfoy, he's always going to be dramatic and pathetic," Harry said. "Anyways, why did Professor McGonagall call you back after class, y/n?"

y/n looked up.

"It's nothing much, really. Just talking to me about my Arithmancy class and when it was," y/n said bluntly.

"When's your Arithmancy class, y/n? I could go through some of the work with you," Hermione asked.

"Oh, it's during yall's Potions."

"You dropped Potions?!" Ron asked and y/n nodded. " You can do that?"

"Yup, but you need to replace it with another class," y/n answered.

"How did I not know of this?" Ron complained and Harry and y/n chuckled. y/n looked up, realizing the absence of her friend's laughter.

Hermione seemed to be thinking hard, staring at her food. Her right hand held her fork where she made circles, playing with her food.

"Hermy, you good?" y/n asked.

Hermione looked up, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh, yeah. Yeah," she said, shaking her thoughts off.

"Are you guys done?" y/n asked, standing up. She wasn't very hungry, and if she was, she could just ask Fred and George to nick some food from the kitchen for her.

"Nope," Ron mumbled, chewing on his 6th drumstick.

"Well, I'm going to head up to the common room," y/n stated and waved to the three.

She made her way out the Great Hall and towards the stairs, thinking about the conversation she had with Professor McGonagall on the way.

"Harry is in danger," y/n recalled Professor McGonagall telling her.

"Sirius Black is your foster father."

"He is very dangerous."

"I don't know what you will think of him, but you should know that he was a good person before he was arrested."

"He may still have some good in him since he didn't have the urge to murder you when you were just a baby."

"He still loves you, y/n, which is why I think he might be very dangerous if he sees you and Harry together..."

"Why, professor?"

"...because Harry is someone he wants to kill, and you are someone he wants to protect."

"y/n! Wait up!" A voice called out.

y/n turned around to see a raven-haired boy smiling at her.

"Hey Harry," y/n said softly, just snapping out of her thoughts.

"You okay?" He asked as he walked beside her up the stairs. The staircases around them moving in all different directions, but the two Hogwarts students knew them too well to be fooled.

"Yup! We've got some Charms homework that I wanna finish early. Have you heard of this book series called Sherlock Holmes?" y/n rambled, looking up to Harry when she asked the question. Harry smiled and nodded. "I really wanna start reading that," y/n said, looking back at the moving stairs in front of her. "I found it in my dad's library when Lupin brought me there to visit."

[in process of rewriting] 𝐲/𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now