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 ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.

y/n awoke with a start on April 16. She looked over at the clock: 6.45. She got changed and walked carefully over to Ron's bed which was just a few feet away from hers. 

"Boo!" She shouted but making sure not to be too loud that she woke up the other Weasleys. Ron jumped up with a start then turned to see y/n standing beside him, well dressed.

"Bloody hell, y/n," Ron grunted. "you almost gave me a heart attack!" He complained and started laying back down onto his comfy bed.

"Come ON Ronald," y/n said while pulling Ron up from his bed. "Don't you remember what day it is?" Ron looked at y/n for a few seconds before realizing.

"Oh yeah, but I still need sleep y/n. It's like, 7 am. Do you have any idea how tired I am from yesterday's quidditch game?" y/n rolled her eyes and dragged Ron to the bathroom. "Hey! Let me go! Nooooo! My sweet, soft bed~" Having no choice, Ron got up headed towards the bathroom by himself as y/n headed her way out the door.

"Oh, and by the way, y/n," Ron called and y/n turned to him. "Happy birthday." y/n smiled and continued her way downstairs.

"Oh y/n! You're up!" Molly walked over happily, arm spread out ready to give y/n a hug as she saw her. y/n smiled at Molly and merrily accepted the hug. "Well, happy birthday dear, Arthur just went out for work and will be coming home early to celebrate. The others are still getting ready. I suspect you dragged Ron out of bed?" Molly smiled.

"You bet I did," y/n said and both she and Mrs. Weasley chuckled. It was a tradition for y/n to drag Ron out of bed if something exciting was happening.

Fred, George, and Ron came downstairs still yawning and rubbing their eyes. Suddenly, a young red-haired girl ran down the stairs excitedly and went to give y/n a big hug. "Happy birthday, y/n!" The girl said cheerfully, letting go.

"Thank you, Ginny," y/n smiled at the girl. A pair of arms were wrapped around y/n from behind and she was picked up and spun around.

"Happy birthday goofball," Fred said still spinning the girl around careful not to drop her.

"George! Put her down! She's going to get dizzy!" Molly exclaimed while she set the table for breakfast. Fred put y/n down and George side hugged y/n and wished her a happy birthday.

"I'm not George, mom! I'm Fred!" Fred exclaimed and Molly apologized. "Anyways y/n, me and George are getting you your birthday present when we get to Diagon Alley." They both smiled. Which made sense as they couldn't have gotten her a present any other way. 

"There's this shop called Gambol and Japes where you can find all sorts of things like dungbombs-"

"George! Don't go teaching y/n more mischief than what she already knows! And you three get over here, breakfast won't eat itself."

y/n and the Weasleys spent the morning outside. All the kids played quidditch and exploding snap while Mrs. Weasley watched over them. By the afternoon, they saw that someone had arrived at the Burrow.

"y/n! Lupin is here to pick you up dear!" Molly called. y/n happily walked over to Lupin to give him a big warm hug.

"Well hello, happy birthday!" Lupin smiled at the little girl. 

[in process of rewriting] 𝐲/𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now