13 - Y3

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"Mr. Weasley is right, you know. You really shouldn't go looking for Sirius Black-" Hermione stated.

"I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me," Harry defended himself. Hermione rolled her eyes, Ron hid his grin from Hermione and y/n chuckled which ended up receiving a disapproving look from Hermione.

"How thick would Harry have to be, to go looking for a nutter who wants to kill him?" said Ron pointed out.

"Hermione, maybe you're being a little too stern. Harry is safe where he's going. Hogwarts, that is," y/n said. Hary gave her a grateful smile.

Hermione let out a huff. 

"No one knows how he got out of Azkaban," said Ron uncomfortably. "No one's ever done it before. And he was a top-security prisoner too."

"Maybe..." y/n started but her voice drifted away. Everyone's attention suddenly turned elsewhere too.

"What's that noise?" Ron asked the same question the other three had been thinking.

A faint, tinny sort of whistle was coming from somewhere. They looked all around the compartment.

"It's coming for your trunk, Harry," Ron said, reaching out and taking Harry's luggage down. A moment later, he pulled out the Pocket Sneakoscope that Ron himself had given Harry for his birthday. It was glowing and spinning very fast.

"What's that?" Hermione and y/n asked at the same time.

"Oh, it's just a Pocket Sneakascope that I got Harry for his birthday. Mind you, it's a very cheap one," Ron said. "It went haywire just as I was tying it to Errol's leg to send it to Harry."

"Were you doing anything untrustworthy at the time?" said Hermione.

"No! Well...I wasn't supposed to be using Errol. You know he's not really up to long journeys...but how else was I supposed to get Harry's present to him?"

"Stick it back in the trunk," Harry advised as the Sneakoscope whistled piercingly, "Or it'll wake him up."

He nodded toward the man sleeping beside Ron. Ron stuffed the Sneakoscope into a particularly horrible pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks, which deadened the sound, then closed the lid of the trunk on it.

"What did you get for Harry, y/n?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Oh- Uh..." y/n and Harry shared a nervous glance. "Well, just some of his favourite snacks and other bits and bobs. How about you?" Said y/n, trying to change the subject.

"Oh... Well, I got Harry a Broomstick Servicing Kit. Did you like it, Harry?" Hermione said, a little suspicious on why y/n was hurriedly changing the subject and playing with her ring. She usually only fidgets with things if she's nervous...

"Yeah! I loved it Hermy!" Harry said thankfully, helping Ron put his trunk back up.

This somehow made y/n's heart fall a little. Ron and Hermione seemed to have given Harry quite expensive and valuable things, but all she gave Harry was some snacks and a sweatshirt. y/n quickly snapped back into reality, hoping no one noticed a change of expression on her face.

"Oh no," Ron cursed under his breath, accidentally bumping into the sleeping man. "Harry, do you mind switching places with me or something? I don't really want to sit close to him."

"You can sit here if you want," Hermione said, gesturing towards the space between Hermione and y/n. 

"Isn't that a little cramped?" Harry asked as Ron sat down in between the two girls. "C'mere y/n, join me." Harry patted the space on his left as he scooted himself towards the man.

[in process of rewriting] 𝐲/𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now