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 ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚

y/n awoke with a start the next day at 6.04. She took a quick shower, fed Snow, and went down to the common room where she saw Fred and George.

"Morning," the twins chimed in sync when they saw the girl coming down the stairs.

"Morning." She saw the twins looking down on a piece of parchment. "What's that?" y/n asked as she walked over.

The twins took a glance at each other nervously. George tapped the piece of parchment with his wand and muttered something while Fred smiled casually at y/n, blocking off George.

"Ah, that?" Fred acted dumb.

"It's just some plans for our upcoming pranks," George spoke after his twin, stuffing the piece of parchment, which was now folded, into his pocket.

"So early in the year? It's the crack of dawn on our first day back!"

"Well, success comes from early planning, doesn't it?" Fred said proudly.

"You just made that up-"

"Yup, he did." The three glanced at each other before breaking out into laughter. "Well, c'mon Avie. Let us go down for some breakfast." 'Avie' was a nickname the Weasleys had given y/n from her middle name, 'Avery'.

The three-headed their way down to the great hall for breakfast. It was already half-filled with students and a few teachers, chattering excitedly. There were pancakes, waffles with maple syrup, sausages, and eggs too.

Soon after, the rest of the Gryffindor house joined them. y/n sat beside George followed by Fred. Harry sat in front of y/n, followed by Ron, then Hermione.

"So it's true then? They said that Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

The group of them turned to see a blond Slytherin speaking to them, or a least more specifically Harry, followed by two other large Slytherin boys. It was Crabbe, Goyle and-

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," the blond announced and Ron let out a weird snicker. "Think my name is funny, do you? There's no need to ask who you are. Red hair, freckles, and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley." Malfoy emphasized the word 'Weasley' as he gave a disgusted nose scrunch.

Ron's ear went pink as he looked down at his food, playing with it.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than the others. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." In the last sentence, Malfoy offered his hand to Harry.

"I really don't think he needs your help, honestly," y/n spoke to the boy.

Malfoy eyed the girl for a bit, looking her up and down, then let out a mean smirk. "y/n Black." Malfoy let out a little scoff before continuing. "You would have done better in Slytherin. You should consider my offer too."

The two glared at each other before Harry broke the silence.

"I think we can sort the wrong sorts for ourselves, thanks," Harry gave Malfoy a smile before turning away and continues eating his breakfast.

Malfoy scowled, then eyed y/n one more time before returning to the Slytherin table.

Harry looked up at y/n, checking if she was alright. The twins and Ron looked at one another, shrugged, and went back to their breakfast. y/n continued eating her breakfast and began talking with Hermione about classes with Percy. Feeling Harry's gaze, y/n looked over to Harry, both of them making eye contact. y/n gave a small smile before turning back to Hermione. 

Harry paused for a few seconds, confused, before shaking it off and turning his focus back onto his breakfast. 

⊱- - - - -⊰

Finally, Saturday came. y/n woke up at 7 am, got ready, and headed her way down to the Gryffindor common room where she, yet again, met up with the twins.

"y/n!" Fred waved at the girl. The twins were sitting on the sofa near the fireplace.

"Hey guys, planning your pranks?" y/n asked as she walked over to sit in front of the twins.

"Actually, we were thinking..." Fred started.

"We want you to have some fun here at Hogwarts, other than walking around, going to classes," George continued.

"Does this involve putting dungbombs in Filch's office?" y/n asked as she eyed the twins. They had told her about every prank they did. They would owl her about it when they were in school and she wasn't, and they would tell her more details about them during the summer.

"Actually, this is a little more interesting," Fred said, smirking rather mischievously. y/n raised an eyebrow at the two. "George? If you may."

"Avie, you are invited to be a part of what may be one of the Weasley twin's most risky pranks of all time," George said proudly.

"We are going to set dungbombs and fireworks in Filch and Snape's office," Fred said excitedly.

"Professor Snape? You guys are going to get into serious trouble if you get caught."

"We know. But life won't be fun without a little danger in it, right?" y/n and George rolled their eyes at Fred's failed attempts at quoting and making inspirational talks. "Anyways, we're supposed to be at Quidditch practice in a bit so Oliver can back us up when that happens," Fred continued.

"What does this have got to do with me?" y/n asked.

"Well, you will have to distract Snape till then. We'll convince Peeves to distract Filch," George smiled.

⊱- - - - -⊰

y/n knocked on the door of the Potions classroom.

"Come in." y/n opened the door, revealing a greasy long-haired, black-robed professor sitting at the desk, marking some papers. "Yes, Miss Black?"

"Professor, about the homework you gave us..."

⊱- - - - -⊰

Fred and George rushed to their separate ways as Peeves went to crash some things down the staircases a floor above Filch's office.

10 dungbombs and fireworks were placed in each office when the coast was clear. They have exactly 5 minutes before both things set off.

⊱- - - - -⊰

y/n was now sitting in Professor Snape's classroom for what seemed to be 15 minutes now when a bang on the door was heard.

"Come in," Professor Snape said with extreme boredom. y/n looked up curiously. 

At the doorway stool Filch and Mrs. Norris, his cat. (by the way, ya'll check out my backstory on Argus Filch which I completed :) Both of them filled with dust from head to toe. Filch had a few holes on his old and dirty clothes and his hair was all messed up, but somehow still greasy despite the amount of dust and smoke on it. Mrs. Norris was fluffed up from fright and stuck to Filch closely, hissing.

"Professor! Sir!" Filch said as he gasped for air from his 'long run down'. "Someone set off dungbombs! And the fireworks! In - inhale- offices-! Was checking- to see-- who set it-- Peeves!" Filch panted furiously as he reported.

Professor Snape sighed. "Calm down, Filch. And do continue speaking only when you have."

"Someone set dungeons and fireworks in both our offices! Your potions and ingredients are everywhere!" At this, Snaped stood up immediately.

"If you have any further questions, Miss Black, I think it's best you find Miss Granger. I'm sure she would be pleased to help you." the professor said quickly and rushed out the door, leaving y/n smiling mischievously as she packed up.

⊱- - - - - - - - -⊰

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