chapter four

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I got home around four since me and acapella decided to get some ice cream and hang out for a bit.

DAD I'M HOME" " IN THE KITCHEN SWEETHEART" I walk to the kitchen and see him preparing dinner " hey sweetie how was school" " pretty good till first period when my  history teacher told me we're having a test and then next period I had math which was worse since I have unit test and the worst part is they're both on Friday"

he looks shocked at me " so what's for dinner" " uh-um still trying to figure that out what about you go and study and I'll call you when it's ready" I nod " let me know if you need any help" and head upstairs.

Once I'm in my room I throw my bag and lay on bed thingy about everything that happened. I kissed wildcard twice, just thinking about it makes me blush.

I don't know about him but I felt something once we kissed, like sparks almost like we both wanted it to happen

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear my phone ring. I look over and see acapella messaged me


So what's with you and wildcard

What do you mean we're just friends

Rightttt cause fRiEnDs kiss


I have my ways but down worry no one else did

Still that's embarrassing

Anyways back to my question what's going with you and wild

Nothing we're just friends

yeah friends who flirt 24/7 look at each other as if you're they're each other's world and as of today kiss

Okay I admit it I like him

Yeah kinda figured that out already just tell him

I can't

why not

What if he doesn't feel the same it would be awkward and I don't wanna ruin our friendship

1) I'm 99.9% sure he feels the same way 2) the only thing awkward is seeing you guys flirt and being oblivious to each other feeling and 3) it won't ruin you're friendship

I don't know but I'm worrying about that right now I have two test  Friday which is stressing me out

Isn't a certain someone helping you though

Yeah we're going to the library tomorrow to study

UGHH why the library I mean it's awesome and all but not a place for a smooching session ( credit to HarryP0tterF0rever07  for this amazing line )

I- that's not gonna happen

It might but why not at his house or something it'll be more fun and private ;)

I'll ask him but we're going to just study NOTHING ELSE

Yeah yeah sure I gotta go now I have choir practice good luck with wildcard :)

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