chapter ten

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The next few weeks were nothing but training and and work for the heroics.

Usually there training lasted for a max of a week and a half but this time it lasted for almost a month.

Heartbreaker wasn't like any other villain they fought in the past.

Well the other were powerful or just evil mastermind, heartbreaker was both and more.

According to Max she was able to manipulate, make people hate each other in under a minute, get in there head confusing them with what's wrong and right.

Which was why most of working was on there mental strength than physical.

" This work better pay off I've never felt more exhausted like ever"  Acapella said taking a sip of her water.

Missy nodded in agreement looking at Guppy who was currently playing soccer with Max " same I have no idea how guppy is still energetic"

" I guess that what happens when you have sharkboy and lavagirl as parents" 

The two girls talked a bit more before Acapella had to leave, leaving Missy by herself. 

Ms Granada had told everyone that they would be leaving to go France on friday, which was Heartbreakers next target. ( A/N i don't stan or support  france cause there islamophobic but its only for the story ) 

Of course they would have to extra careful with Guppy since she was only twelve, but in some cases it would be the other way around with Guppy being more mature then them.

She looked around, everyone was busy doing something. The all looked calm and not worried about leaving on friday.

They've been practicing and training for almost a month now, they were prepared but Missy couldn't help but still worry about what might happen.

What if they couldn't get through to her, what if they fell under spell and turned against each other. 

" You've got to stop worry so much Missy" A voice behind her called out snapping out of her thoughts.

Which was none other than Wildcards.

" I know but like still you never know what if something happens" she sighed 

" Nothing will happen, we practiced, trained and did everything we need to do to prevent that" he reassured.

" I guess you're right worrying won't help thanks" Missy smiled

" Anytime, plus you have what could possible go wrong"

And here comes his cocky side she thought.

" a lot of things" she smirked

" ha ha very funny" he said sarcastically " anyways I gotta go my dads waiting for me see you tomorrow pumpkin" 

She rolled her eyes in annoyance " What did I say about calling me pumpkin"

" that you hate it but we both know you don't" he smirked and left, leaving a speechless Missy alone.

Sometimes he can be a real pain she thought.

" Missy come on lets go" her dad yelled to her from the car

" coming"

I wrote this chapter in class without grammarly so sorry if there any spelling mistakes.
also i have two ways of ending this book one that will make you guys hate me lmao but with a sequel and one with a good ending that won't make you hate me 50-50 chance of a sequel.

anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter love you all so much stay safe and take care <3

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