chapter seven

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Missy POV
I'm at hq right now and Mrs Granada just told we're having a new student, I'm excited and nervous cause I really hope it isn't some asshole and I'm kinda hoping for it being a girl.

Don't get me wrong I have nothing wrong with the guys or guys in general it's just that it would be nice to have a another female heroic to hang out with.

I was at my desk doing some work when acapella came up to me " so did you tell wildcard yet" I look at her confused " tell him what" " that you love him" i feel my checks turn but slowly cool down " no and I don't LOVE him" " right and I don't have a crush on wheeles" she says sarcastically which reminds me " speaking of wheels" now she was blushing " did you tell wheels how you feel " n-no" she whispered.

I was about to say something when  Mrs Granada came in " children as you know you be having someone new join you, I want you to be nice and respectful" we all nod and she tells someone to come in.

It was boy with brunette hair and green eyes he looked like he was 5'7 or 5'8 and he seemed like a really cheerful guy.

" everyone this is matchmaker Cupid's son ( let's pretend he's actually a heroic Kay ) I want you all to be nice to him and make him feel welcome matchmaker you can take a seat next to Missy " she says and walks out of the class.

" So matchmaker what's you're power" Facemaker asks " well I can sorta tell which two people are soulmates and bring love to everyone and anyone oh and call me Max" he says " that's a cool power" guppy says he smiles and says " what's about you guys what's your power" we all go around and explain our powers I just say quiet.

We decided to do our school work and since Max was sitting next to we decided to talk.

" I don't think I got you're name " I'm the leader Missy  but well I don't have any powers but I follow my dad and lead my example" I say shyly " that's really cool" I smile and thank him " so is that all of you?" " oh no they're one more person wildcard he's kinda like co leader and he has every powerful imaginable" he looks surprised " wow that's really cool must me hard to control"

I nod " it was hard for him at first but he eventually got the hang of it" I explain " seems like you really like him" he says, I feel myself blushing " wh-what no I don't" I lie but he sees right through me " girl yes you do incase you forgot I'm the son of Cupid I can kinda sense this type of stuff it's like my sixth sense" he says in a matter a fact tone.

guess that makes sense- wait maybe he can help me " okay you're right I do like him it's just, I don't think he likes me back" I say sadly " first of all don't think that he would be a complete dumbass not to like you back, look at you you're stunning and you seem like wonderful person I general" " aww thanks max but it's just that this one other girl I hate likes him too" " I feel you girl same thing happened to me a while ago" " a guy you hated likes the same girl as you?" " nope a girl I hated with PASSION liked the same guy as me" he says emphasizing on passion.

We talked for a bit when it finally hit me, he said that he liked a guy so does that mean " hey max can I ask you something"  " sure ask away" " you mentioned that you liked a guy and I really don't want to sound disrespectful or anything but what did you mean by that?"  I thought he would get offended or mad but surprisingly he just smiled and said " oh yeah probably should of mentioned this before, but I'm gay" he says proudly " which reminds" he says and stands on the chair " everyone I have an announcement to make" everyone looks at him and that he says " just to let y'all know I'm gay meaning I'm attracted to men and if you have a problem with that then please get some help thank you very much" he says earning a cheer and claps from everyone.

After he says that I can't but smile " wow max I didn't know you would announce it out loud like" I say amazed " we'll I came out a while ago and I'm pretty open with my sexuality so it's nothing really" he says " and plus personally for me it helps make guys jealous when they see their crush or girlfriend hanging out or close to me which is always entertaining" he adds proudly making me laugh " well Max sounds we're gonna be really good friends and by the way I support you and if you ever wanna talk or anything shoot me a message" " thank you now tell me about this wildcard guy" I laugh and tell him everything from when we first met till now.

Okay so I wanted to add a little diversity in this sorry and Max is actually based of my irl friends he wanted me to make him a character in the story so his personality is based of him and so is the convo between him and Missy lmao

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and comments and vote <3

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