Raining Upon Yours Truly

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"Lady, hear me tonight!
'Cause my feeling, is just so right!"

Isabella sprung up, almost cranking her neck. "What the hell is that?"

Daniella mumbled and groaned as she rubbed her eyes. "Who is that singing?"

"As we dance, by the moonlight
Can't you see, you're my delight?"

They both looked at each other, and then back at the window from where the source of screeching and baseless voices rang. Daniella's eyes twinkled in mirth as they descended from the sofa where they had fallen asleep in and moved to the window. "Lord, are they drunk?"

"Lady, I just feel like
I won't get you, out of my mind!"

Isabella hugged the robe around her as they eased the slide up and the close breeze hitting their face like splash, making their teeth shatter. Out in the dark street covered with spots of snow, two lone figures danced around in circles, decently looking drunk.

"I feel love, for the first time
And I know that it's true, I can tell by the look in your eyes!"

Randy and Marcelo screamed out the words, totally debasing the song and earning harsh yells and curses from the neighbors. Daniella giggled as she put her head through the window to get a better look. Isabella simply stood behind, trying to gauge the whole scene in front of her.

"Daniella! I love you!" Randy screamed and again few neighbors yelled back in taunts.

She gasped, her eyes shimmering. "I love you too!"

Isabella felt weird and disorientated. The two of them had hardly known each other and here they were, professing their love for one another. It certainly boggles the mind.

Seeing Daniella ready to shout back, she held her back and peered her head in. "You boys need to go back home! It's late!"

Marcelo was standing there among the glittering snow in his usual black get up, with bulgy arms folded and watching her. Her heart hammered at that. Settle down. Just because Daniella and Randy professed, it doesn't mean she has to.

"We have no money! Or a car!" Randy shouted.

Isabella rolled her eyes. That leaves one option.
"Fine! Cmon on up!" She pulls away to shut the window. Turning around she saw Daniella hurriedly dressing up. "Where are you going?"

"You do realize I have a car and I'm sober."

"You are taking the both of them? Right?" Isabella asked wistfully.

"Think again."

"You want to take both of them?" She pleaded.

"You two have your own mess to deal with and this could not have been the perfect timing. And I will take my Randy and ravish the fuck out of him." The doorbell rang twice too long and Daniella marched up to the door.

Without a word, she smacked her lips on to a Randy, who grabbed her greedily. Pulling away, she said bye to Isabella and yanked him down the stairs. Randy was too smitten to say goodbye to the rest of them and trudged happily behind Daniella.

That left only Marcelo who was holding himself up by the wall.

"You can come in, if you like." Isabella said, quietly.

"Really?" He looked perplexed and his pupils were blown out. "Because last time I remember distinctly you telling me to leave."

"Yes, I recall saying that but you are drunk now and it's reckless to go out in your state."

Then, he leered out a lecherous smile. "So you care for me."

Irritation seeped into her and her brows crunched. "I'm a decent human being! If it were some random somebody stating the same, I would have advised similarly."

His jaw tightened. "Thank you for being such a decent citizen. We should bestow upon you a the medal of valor for saving and sheltering all the drunks of New York City!"

Her fists clenched and she knew very well that he was in a different state of mind. Apparently, drunk Marcelo is the same sober  but a very intense and angry kind of Marcelo. It's like an extra dosage of rave and sexiness all mixed up in one. God, she felt stupid thinking he should drink more often.

"So what will it be? Are you staying or leaving?" She cocked her hips to the side, waiting for his response.

When he didn't answer, she left him by the door hoping he would make a smart decision. Isabella went into her room and she felt an instinctive need to shower. She smelt of whiskey and wings which she and Daniella ate few hours before they had dozed.

Running a hand through her hair, she untied it and let it loose. She didn't close the bathroom door till she heard her front door shut. When she heard it slam, she jumped.

Waiting for a moment, she heard nothing.

Isabella gulped, trying to dispel the anxiety and thrill she felt in her stomach. Slowly, she worked herself out of her clothes and dropped them into her laundry basket. Tip-toeing she entered the shower stall, and pressed the valve and hot steaming water poured from the shower head on top. Before she could even have a moment of sinking sensation into the trepidations of blazing goodness, Marcelo comes storming inside the bathroom.

"Isabella you are somehow the same person driving me absolutely crazy and getting me simultaneously turned on right now!"

The curtain yanked to its side and she remain statued as his form appeared in front her. Her body was already half turned away from him and yet the half exposed to him felt on flames.

Marcelo's eyes became heavy lidded as it dropped down to take in her curves. Ripples of water droplets fell so seductively down those slopes of skin, marring her body with drops that look like angel's tears.

Her own eyes slide down to gauge at the package thickening before her.

He spoke after a moment, his voice thick like maple syrup.

"Why do I even go after you? I have no fucking clue. You share things with me and make those slulptry sounds while getting down and sucking me dry and then you let me go like I'm some bloody scum you picked up."

Her hands came crossing over her breasts. Her limbs were shaking.

He continued, "What do actually you want? Huh? Because sounds to me like you are playing with me."

That got her jolted back down to earth.

"Oh and you aren't, the ass who is a married man?"

"You want me to leave her? You think I don't want to leave her too? Is it also possible for you to realize that maybe I'm in this fucking marriage because I'm forced! Because it was bloody arranged!"

Her mouth dropped. She was astounded by the news but this conversation was too serious to be in the company of naked woman and slightly drunk angry man. And both were extremely turned on.

Trying to not get so breathless, she flickered her eyelashes to get the water droplets out and licked her lips. "What have you decided to do?"

He didn't say anything. He just rubbed an unsteady palm over his mouth. He looked like he was about to combust under pressure.

The air was heated. The stares could melt the glaciers. His body shuddered from just watching her standing naked under the shower. Her hair silky and wet, running down her back like a black river. He could see half a globe of her breast and ass, the tender way they appeared made his hands clench.


Coming back from a aromatic reverie, he replied, stepping inside the stall. His brawny body dominating the space. "Even if I did decide on either one, it will not release me."

She bit her lip, staring up at him. Her body turning immediately towards him. "Release you from what?"

"From wanting you."

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