Thoroughly Tough

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A flash of light broke out the darkness that engulfed them. Isabella could see his rough face lighted as he walked to the scissored gate. He clanked it with his foot, making it shake louder.

It echoed in the silence but it was no use since they were most likely to be stuck in the middle of two floors. The wall blocked all the light that could have come through the crisscrossed gate.

Since it was an old elevator, the bank of call buttons that were signs of alarm didn't do anything as he pressed them.

"They don't work." She whispered in the dark.

The cold metal wall felt nice behind her as she waited. She knew of the elevator to get stuck on numerous occasions. Sometimes, it was wise to simply wait it out.

Marcelo managed to thump on the wall and shout. "Oi! We are stuck! Anyone?"

When no one answered, he cursed. "Does this happen often?"


He observed her tone and commented. "You seem okay but then again, you always are."

Isabella wished to contradict that statement but she decided against it. What use would it be for him to know how much of a wreck she was on the inside?

When none spoke any further, they suddenly seemed to realize the situation they found themselves in. Alone in the dark with the one person who could seem to break the sweat off their skin.

"Looks like that date will be cancelled after all."

His voice seemed closer but she wasn't sure. However, she made it a point to stand in the corner of the lift so as to keep the space between them.

She sighed and said, "What's your problem with my date?"

"He doesn't see your worth."

She jerked her head to the direction of his tender deep pitch. "And you seem to know my worth?"

"Yes. I know."

That did it. It was one thing to assume and the other thing to know and Marcelo didn't know a thing about her. Not a bleeping single thing except to raise the hackles around her.

"Marcelo. I don't know what you are up to but whatever it is, stop it. At once." 

The reprimand was soft but cutting. It was a chide sort of. To simply put him to his place.
It seemed to be easy talking to him when they were shrouded in the dark. He had switched off his phone too. The courage she lacked to face him about...whatever this was that they were tip toeing around came brimming up in volts.

A slight shuffle was heard nearby and then, a blanket of warm and sandalwood came in contact to her side.

He was so very close, leaving a thin marginal space between them. That slim space was the only thing standing to hold their morals and their minds intact.

She couldn't move as she was stuck rigidly to the wall behind her. Her hand itched to shove him away but the mere thought of having her hands on his rugged form made her breathless.

Her breasts constricted in her blouse. She could feel the tightening of her nipples. It moved against the fabric, making her akin to anything that might touch her.

There was a shift of energy in the air. Even thought she didn't have to close her eyes, she could still feel him. He was here, next to her.

Every nerve ending of her body stood at attention.

"Do you feel that?" His breath whooshed the tendrils of her hair near her ear. Oh Lord, he is absolutely too close for her yet they didn't touch. Not even an accidental brush of skin.

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