Greatly Associating

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Isabella fiddled with the ringlets of her hair. Dusting and pulling down the hugging black dress with a modest V at her chest as she stared at the front door in front of her. She tried to quiet the internal meltdown she was so close to having.

Shrills of feminine laughter echoed through the door. Taking a deep breath, she pressed on the door bell once and waited. The laughter inside stopped mid way but then resumed in a small chitter chatter manner.

Heels conked on the hard marble floor on the opposite side and with a swift click, the door opened revealing a surprise looking Pamela. "Isabella! I didn't think you would come!"

The rapid chatter from inside again stopped. She had a distinct feeling they were all exchanging astonished looks among each other.

Shit! Was this a bad idea? It was an impromptu rash decision made that was caused due to realistically bone crushing question Marcelo hit her with last night. stupid was she to let his thoughts influence her!

"I thought so too but I changed my mind and here I am." She smiled, a little too brightly.

Oh Lord, this was a complete disaster. On seeing Pamela's face, she knew she was expecting her because this really isn't like her. She didn't just go to anyone's house gathering because of social calls. Isabella was a loner and she liked it like that except most recently, as it had been rudely but accurately pointed out that maybe she didn't like it anymore.

Pamela smiled back, equally bright as she ushered her in. Both of them were super uncomfortable and Isabella hoped it had nothing to do with the fact with Marcelo. Speaking of him, she felt chagrined that he wasn't in the really stark white living room.

Fuck, this place looked like those model houses where no one lived in but people came to look at.

Everything was so...white. Like she was surrounded by a humongous egg shell, waiting to be cracked open from the top. On seeing the familiar faces and bloody hell, even Zach was here, she still was strung tight! She thought it included just the ladies. This confirmed the fact that some thing was definitely going on between Pamela and him.

She said a few hellos and how are yous and sat primly next to Daniella, who had worn some tight black jeans with a maroon halter top. She was sipping on a glass of vintage wine and gave a curt smile at Isabella who returned the gesture.

The rest of the group resumed their conversation on things Isabella had no interest in. She pointedly ignored Zach, who had been trying to get her attention by staring at her on and off. Pamela handed her a glass of the same wine all of them seem to be drinking and sat down to join in the group's discussion.

The white rectangle center table had a platter of different cheese and crackers. A bowl of mixed fruits and two bottles of wine, corked open. So much for gatherings, they didn't even have decent food.

Isabella pretended to listen to what they were talking but her head was busy checking the place out. So this is where Marcelo lived. How odd. There were no pictures of the couple, just some art framed up here and there. It was super neat. She carefully sipped her wine, making sure she didn't drop any.

"You aren't interested, are you?"

Isabella faced Daniella who was nursing her drink, flashing her a blank look.

"I'm listening."

"Right and I'm so thrilled to be here."

Isabella arched her brow slightly. "Then why are you?"

"Boredom. These girls sure know how to create drama anywhere they go."

"Really? Enlighten me."

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