Strikingly Stripping

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"Now arch your back, ladies."

Isabella stretched herself onto the yoga mat. The Cobra pose that strengthens the lower back muscles as she lifts her waist and raises her head.

Inhaling deeply, she spontaneously thinks of her first session with Marcelo. He was so...interesting. He had a way with words yet what should she care about the way he spoke? He speaks like a damn fiend playing a flute and that's so masculine. So zesty.

"And breathe out." Her yoga instructor, Zach walked around her. He was a handsome man in his early twenties, sober looking and very fit. His white yoga pants and blue tee stretched nicely across his muscles.

"And Relax. Now, let's stretch your hamstrings by doing the downward dog pose. Down you go."

Isabella sat on her heels and expanses her arms forward on the mat, lowering her head. The blood flowed to her head as she inhaled and exhaled.

He was so difficult and slightly arrogant. His mannerism was so casually big. It's like Marcelo didn't care about anything. But he had something. Something that made him stand out.

He was like a man in the crowd and yet not with the crowd.

"And now we take a Paschimottanasana. Sit up with your back straight and toes pointing outwards. Breathe in and raise your hands over your head and stretch."

When one think so much, time around them moves so much fast. That's what she was told. Isabella mimicked the posture as she stared at herself in the mirror.

Her sports bra shelled perfectly. Grey and black. And her long black yoga tights elongated nicely around her shapely thighs and legs. She made an effort to keep fit, always. At least, her-

"Now, while breathing out bring your hands down and bend then forward to touch your legs. Place your hands wherever they reach, hold your toes if you can but don't force yourself."

Her forehead touches her knee as she bends. It increases her flexibility in her hips and thighs while also lengthening her spine.

She loved yoga.

Keeps her centered and focused. She hated chaos and mess and from what it looks like, Marcelo is a big bowl of mess.

"Release, ladies. Now we do the restful pose. Bend your knees and sit on your heels. Keep your hips on your heels. Lower your head on the mat and bring your hands forward by your side. Press your thighs against your chest and breathe lightly."

A breathy tone came above her as she did the pose. A hand pressed slightly on her spine and she tried to suppress the oppressive itch to shove the hand off her. She couldn't stand a person's touch unless she authorized it, unless she was the one in control.

"I got it." She bit out.

And still his hand stayed as Zach leaned in. "I know but go down a bit more."

This is why Isabella got disturbed by the ignorance of some men. They don't listen.

When a girl is clearly not interested, fuck off. There is no hard feelings. A guy who pushes a woman to have sex has the only feelings of a caveman and nothing else.

"I. Got. It." She hissed and the hand was removed with the regular frown she sees on his face whenever she denied Zach of any forms of come hither looks from him.

Edging away from her, he stood in the middle of the studio. "And finally, we end the session with Sukhasna."

She crossed her legs comfortably on her mat, while keeping her spine straight. Placing her hands on her knees, she lets her body relax and eyes momentarily closes. Silence surrounded her. Peace was supposed to come. Rest fullness was supposed to bestow upon her.

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