Skittishly Holding Out

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"So- what was her name again?" Marcelo clicked his fingers, thinking. "Paulina- no, pa-Polly! Yes! So Polly is out. Wow, what happened to 'she drives me crazy'?" His hands making quotes of the same words used by his friend.

Playing with the handle of his beer mug, Randy shrugged his bulky shoulders in his tight red t-shirt. "Eh...we fucked a few times and she got bored. I got bored. Nothing new."

People around them gabbed and played pool on the two vast billiards tables in the corner. The crowd intoxicated as they watched the game on the Tv box. The bar was at the center overspilling of spirits and people. The smell of drinks wafts over them, at first, jarring but it sticks for a while, getting used to it.

Marcelo wiped his mouth after he took a hefty swing of his own beer. "Well, there is always more to come around."

"That's the thing. I can't... I mean, I can go on with sex and stuff, sure but... for how long?" His hand moving like a careless gesture.

"You want to settle? Are you mad?"

"Settle is not the word I was looking. I mean just being in a relationship. Don't you want to know how that wor- look who I'm talking to? You have been engaged to Pamela for how many years? What's it been? 6 or 5?"

"Honestly. I don't know. It's like she is forever there."

"I can't say that's a romantic thing for you, is it?"

Marcelo barked out a humorless laugh. "Oh yeah. No romance for this guy."

"Then, ditch her! Stop wasting both of your time."

If it were only that easy.

"Never mind. I think I'm doing okay."

"You always say that. Just tell me, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Let's find you- Randy? Who are you looking at?" Marcelo turned around in his booth to catch what caught his friend's attention. A striking black haired shoulder length woman stood by the entrance, looking around. She wore a black halter top with skinny jeans and black heels. She appeared familiar but he couldn't seem place her.

He turned back to his hawk-eyed friend. "You gonna ask her out?"

Randy quickly glanced at him and then over to her. "Are you kidding me? A girl like that is definitely not single."

"She is here alone." Marcelo pointed back.

"Nah, she is clearly waiting for someone."

He was about to tell him to go for it anyway since it didn't look like Randy wasn't going to stop staring at the strange female when a familiar strange laugh resonated from behind him.

Marcelo only then registered who also walked in.

Randy's eyebrows jumped, recognizing who it was. "Well, well, well. your friend is here too."

Marcelo swiveled back around to catch Isabella chatting and laughing with the same girl Randy has been ogling. Watching them walk up to the bar where a crowd of thirsty men gave each of the two a sleazy once over.

He turned around, facing Randy but made sure to keep his eyes cast down. He drank some more, clearly brooding. His thoughts immediately went to their last encounter he wished to forget. He had her so close. There, right there.

And still, she resisted him. It was almost like a slap on his face. He had to get out of the bathroom. Even with his wild promises, he felt like a kid losing a soccer game at the first try.

"You have got to tell me what's up with you and that chick? Clearly I'm missing something."

"Nothing. I told you, it's nothing." Marcelo gritted.

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