Funnily Glazing

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Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

The strike of every hand on that clock resonated in the office. Both of them simply stared at each other. They knew what was left unsaid in the last session loomed over them like a heavy thunder cloud.

Today, he noticed Isabella's tight office checkered pants with a snug little white shirt. A blue silk scarf tied around her delicate throat. Face with a hint of the usual make up but not that much. Hair with the same low pony.

Her liquor eyes were hauntingly still and pinned to his face. He'd think it was flattering to have her so effectively watch him but he knew it was her job.

Sometimes, he didn't want her watching him just because of a job.

Marcelo's hands fisted on top of his thighs, noticing her scarf. He had the sudden urge to wrap his fingers around it. Press her down...

After the way things went down last week, Marcelo had a lot of thinking to do. And all of it was revolving around Isabella. He didn't discuss the new events with Pamela, in fact he kept out of her way.

His work was building up, something he didn't at all want to discuss or talk about. This place  became an escape hatchet. Sealed shut, keeping the toxic world outside. Nothing goes out of this place. It's like Vegas. In a way.

"You look hot."

This time, he acutely noticed her sudden constricting notion of her chest. So she was affected by a manner of speaking. That's something.

"Marcelo, how was your week?" Ignoring his last statement wasn't going to douse his enthusiasm. He had this...what do you call it? A burst of adventure to find out what made her click.

"The same dame thing. Nothing new. What about you, baby doll?" As usual, her face was devoid of any emotion but Marcelo was observing her every little nuance. A faint twitch on the right cheek flickered. There it is.

For some masochist reason, he wanted her angry. Full of rage, hair wild and furry and naked. He can't stop picturing her naked. He knew this woman would make a lot of sounds when she came. Which made him ask the next question.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Her eagle eyes squinted. Okay, wrong question but did that mean no?

Changing tactics, he asked. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He spotted the light twitch, only this time at the end of her lips. Like she was fighting a smile. Maybe even a laugh. Fuck, to think if Marcelo could make her laugh was a revelation. He didn't know how to feel about that.

Since he wasn't getting any answers, he just assumed things then. He didn't care what she thought since she didn't either.

"Okay. So no boyfriend. No girlfriend. Not that I don't mind you kissing another girl. It would be hot as fuck. Hmm.." He made a pretense of thinking, stroking his chin as he sized her up. "Ever masturb-"

"Marcelo, tell me how are things going with your fiancé?"

His lips came alive. A wolffish spark donned on him, making him look divine. He started to get more inquisitive about her. "Eh."


"You know eh. Nothing about it has words that aren't even enough to give me the feeling of dull with her."

"Then why did you propose her?"

His head reared back. "You'd think I did? Baby doll, I'm a man of integrity. I'm an island. I don't propose."

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