Chapter 7 - Miruvor

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"This is amazing! Orophin, you might want to see this." – The youngest of the brothers climbed into the hut through the window. "What is it, Rumil?" – "Take a look at Haldir's shoulder." – It was just then Orophin realised Haldir was up. "Haldir. I thought we would find you resting. Your wound looked quite nasty – or did the lady this morning work miracles?" – Rumil sighed. "If you would stop your superfluous talk and do as I told you, you would know."

Curiously, Orophin went to stand next to Rumil, who was looking at their older brother's bare shoulder. The wound was almost healed, on the edges they could even see new, pink skin coming through. "This is amazing indeed," Orophin remarked. "How did she do it? – I thought she had merely come to apologise." – Haldir slowly put his shirt back on. "I do not know... She said she used a power her father from Mithlond had taught her." – "She is from the Grey Havens? – The elves living there are well-known rather for their boat-building than healing skills. Did she not say before her father were a Silvan elf – a wood elf?" Orophin frowned. Rumil was thinking with narrowed eyes. "There is only one elf I can think of in Mithlond who could possess any greater healing power at all. Círdan might even be of Silvan descend, yet I am not certain..." – Haldir nodded. "I was thinking of him as well even though I never knew he had a child. Yet then she is not very old." – "She cannot be younger than us. You told us she has travelled so much," Orophin exclaimed. – "She is. And she has. She set off when she was very young, but then I gather Elladan took her with him – which might be the reason why her parents let her go." – "Elladan, the son of Elrond?" – "Indeed." Rumil nodded with raised eyebrows. "She certainly is clever. Imladris is a very useful connection to have." – "What do you mean?" Haldir was slightly surprised at the sternness of his tone. Rumil lifted his shoulders. "If you want me to name what you certainly as well are thinking: if Daëra could make Elladan accept her as his partner, she could live in Imladris and be the sister-in-law of Arwen Undómiel!" – Haldir put his shirt back on without any pain, he was still surprised how powerful and effective the healing had been. "I do not think she would want to live in Imladris – I think she would prefer Lórien." – "Well, as Elrond's daughter-in-law no door would ever be locked for her. She could do whatever she pleased. Anywhere."

Haldir suddenly felt extremely stupid. For some reason it had never occurred to him that Elladan might be that sort of friend to her when in fact, it was the most logical explanation. Why else would he take her with him onto his travels? Travelling was hard, even harder when one had to make sure a young elf in her reckless years did not get into trouble. He basically must have loved her to be willing do that for her. Orophin sighed. "It is a bit of a pity indeed, she is beautiful and her healing gift is just extraordinary. Yet I fear there is no way our beloved mother can keep up with Sir Elrond." – Haldir smiled. "Thranduil had many enemies of high rank. Our father could be an heir of an ancient family, for all we know." – Rumil grinned. "For all we know, we could be her half-brothers." He started to laugh openly when he saw Haldir's expression. – "Admit it: It could be." – Haldir briefly closed his eyes and searched his brain for reasons why it certainly could not be. "It depends on who Daëra's father is. I do not recall that Thranduil had many enemies in Mithlond. He possibly does not even know any elves from the Havens at all." – Orophin stood at the window, his arms crossed. "It certainly is a shame." – Rumil clapped his shoulder. "Are you fond of her?" – "Since she has got a partner, there is no use for me getting started," the youngest brother replied with a glint in his eye. "But I think I will find myself another occupation instead of caretaking – I do not want to be tempted." – Rumil turned to face Haldir. "Are you in love with her?" – "No." His answer was determined and accompanied by a confused frown. He meant what he said. "I do not know her: how could I be in love with her?" – Rumil smiled. "I do not know. Perhaps 'love at first sight' or one of the other romantic schemes humans tend to believe in." – "Love at first sight?" Haldir exclaimed in disbelief. "Brother, what have you been drinking?" – Rumil laughed. "Nothing. I have not even tasted the Miruvor they are bringing into the city for the Winter Solstice Celebrations." – "Miruvor. I have heard this drink can be quite intoxicating," Orophin remarked. "I wish we had it in Mirkwood: it would lift everybody's mood, I am sure of that." – Haldir smiled, he could not imagine Thranduil being intoxicated. "We should bring him some when we go back," he mused. Rumil smiled at the thought. "You should not have said that, brother: now that we have thought of it, we might even do it. Anyway, so you are going to stay with the caretakers?" – "Yes. It will give me a purpose." – Rumil nodded. "Good. So will I."

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