Chapter 12 - Another 2 Decades later: Another Return

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Galadriel looked sadder than he had ever seen her. "My Lady, I am so sorry for your loss." – She smiled at him, but the smile was further than ever from reaching her eyes. "It is not your fault. I know you did your best. You did not lose any of your fighting skills during all those years of travel. But you have proved this before." – He bowed in response. "Thank you, Mylady. I am... trying." – "I know you are. You are, even though this is not your home. Sometimes I wonder why." – He frowned slightly, to be quite honest he wasn't sure himself. "This might not literally be my 'home' – meaning the place where I grew up." – The Lady raised her eyebrows. Her eyes never left his face when she asked: "Do you want to go home? Really home? Back to the Great Wood? – You have longed to do so for a long time, I know that." – He stood with his lips slightly parted, puzzled by the question. He knew that lying was no use, since she would know the truth anyway. "I... To be quite honest with you... No. No, I do not wish to go back." He was astonished when he realised that this indeed was the truth. "Now that I have been in Lórien for these past decades I feel there is something in here that is worth saving." – Galadriel turned her head and then looked back at him out of the corner of her eye. "Worthier than Mirkwood? The Great Wood could use your help still." – Surprisingly he was all calm on the in- and outside when he answered: "Indeed, I think Lórien is worthier – and has a bigger chance of actually being saved – than any place in Middle-Earth. I have found that everything is just as you said four decades ago."

As if fearing to be overheard, she talked to him in his head for a few minutes and then said aloud: "You do not have to take my offer. I will not think any less of you, if you do not. For I know you are originally from Mirkwood, and you know taking up the post will tie you to Lórien." She sighed. "If you or any of your brothers decide to leave, I will not keep you. Yet if you decide to advance to the head of my wardens, you are bound to Lórien. Forever."

"Will you be safe on your own?" Elladan had insisted on tacking up Daëra's horse for her. He was feeling guilty, for he had promised to accompany her on her journey back to Lórien – but now he had to go on an errand for his father, crossing his original plans. He didn't like to have to break a promise, yet his father's wishes had to come first. Daëra had to admit that she was secretly relieved to be going alone: there were too many thoughts in her head and it was better if she wasn't feeling the need to keep up a conversation with someone. Even if that someone was Elladan, one of the few elves it was actually easy to talk to. Sort of. – "Don't you worry, I will be fine," Daëra said with a reassuring smile. "How come you are so worried, you did not mind letting me go on my own before." – Elladan's expression darkened. "Times have changed." – Daëra took her backpack from him and hugged him lightly before putting one foot in the stirrup and swinging herself in the saddle. "You do realise sometimes you sound pretty much like your father? Full of riddles. It has only been four decades since I have been to Lórien last. Four decades won't have changed the world, will they?" – "I hope not..." he answered mysteriously. Daëra pretended to be cheerful. "Galadriel will have an eye on me. Please thank your father again for having me. And teaching me." She smiled one last time at him; then she rode off, back to Lothlórien.

The air was sweet in the Golden Wood, spiced with honey and spring. It was actually spring and nothing in this world could make her leave before summer. Not this time. Daëra had just led her beautiful steed into the cool shade of the trees when she could hear footsteps approaching. Probably a warden who went to see who she was or even sent to welcome her. She never once thought it could be an attacker: first, it came running from within the Woods, and second, the wardens would never let a guest be attacked in their own forest. The elf who finally stepped out of the trees proved Daëra right: it was a female called Nimia, she had been sent by Galadriel herself to receive Daëra. Her silver-blonde hair was falling long over her back and her clean freshness and scent of wood and Lórien made Daëra feel smelly and ugly. The elf didn't seem to mind, though – instead, she started chatting to her in an easy manner. "You are brave to have ridden here all on your own. Have you heard about the dragon in the Lonely Mountain? It has been killed, they say." – Daëra didn't feel brave at all: she hadn't seen a single person during her trip, and if there was no one at all around, there was nothing to be scared of. But then Nimia might only be polite or trying to flatter Daëra, since she was a guest.

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