Chapter 24 - Days of Fire

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"Take your pick." Rohir waved his arm in a rather careless manner to indicate that all objects in the room were at her disposal. Daëra was overwhelmed at the sight of all those daggers, swords, arrows and bows, each more beautiful than the other. "I... do not think I will be in need of any of this," she finally stated. Rohir looked at her with surprise on his face. "Pardon me, but I have been informed you were going to contribute to the defence of Lórien?" – "I am." Daëra smiled slightly. "Just not in the way you are expecting." – Rohir frowned, then his face lit up. "You are a sorceress, are you not? – Like her ladyship." – He was a quick thinker and it was said he saw a lot, many things other people and elves never noticed. Daëra could not tell him about the ring, so she just nodded slowly. "More or less, yes." Perhaps he would be able to draw his own conclusions.

When Daëra returned to Haldir and the other wardens, he was surprised she was still carrying merely the old sword her father had given to her before she had left Mithlond for the first time. "Did you not want a... stronger set of weapons?" he asked with a frown. Daëra looked at him reassuringly. "I do not think I will be able to actually fight and keep control over Náre – even as an elf." Daëra felt Galadriel's presence and turned to find the Lady on a near flet, overlooking the outskirts of Lórien – the battlefield-to-be. Daëra didn't know how many elves had deducted their queen was a ring-bearer, but all of them knew she was a great sorceress. Her presence gave them strength – and they would need it, Helm's Deep had diminished the number of wardens gravely. Haldir followed her glance and nodded. "Will you be standing on a flet as well?" – "Probably, yes: the fire will be much easier be kept under control, if I can see what is going on everywhere." – The relief was clearly visible on his face, although he was trying to hide it. Daëra couldn't suppress a smile and kissed him. "I will be fine, trust me. They will burn before they get to me. – You just make sure you are staying alive. When I am occupied with Náre's powers, I won't be able to keep an eye on you as well." She said it with a wink and a cheeky smile, yet it was a serious warning: if Haldir got hurt, she probably wouldn't notice. She wouldn't be able to notice anything around her besides the flames, if she wanted to prevent them from getting out of hand and burning down the Golden Wood. And she couldn't allow that to happen.

It was noon when they heard the first drums. Haldir had positioned wardens to make sure they weren't attacked from more sides than they had anticipated, yet he doubted this would happen. The orcs were coming from the North, combining the strengths of Moria and Dol Guldur, and the East: the back-up in the form of Mordor orcs. Daëra joined Haldir and half of the wardens who were moving further towards the northern border, while the Lord and Lady were staying with the other half at the eastern one. In that way, each half had a military commander to lead them as well as a ring of power. Every beating of the drums made Daëra feel sick. "Why do they have to bring drums?" she murmured while walking next to Haldir. "Their approach cannot remain unnoticed – even without them." – Haldir just reached out and took her hand. The touch did actually make her feel better.

When they reached the borders of the forest, Haldir positioned his wardens at the very outskirts so they were just about sheltered by the outermost trees. "We cannot – under no circumstances – let them into the Wood," he announced for all to hear. "One or two, separated from their army and fleeing, might be alright: they will get lost and we can catch them later – as long as they are not carrying torches. Torch-bearers are first priority. They want to destroy our home and the most obvious way to do so is to burn it down." – "Like last time we were attacked," a female warden added. It was Cirya. After his little speech, Haldir – his uniform shining in the sunlight – went over to Daëra. "I did not want to say it in front of everyone; they will have enough to do fighting without being surprised at you being a sorceress." – Daëra chuckled. "I am no sorceress." – Haldir smiled. "Well, you have quite bewitched me, at least." He slid his hands round her waist and kissed her – their lips moving in unison so long and passionately they were both out of breath when they broke the kiss. Daëra knew her face would have been flushed red, had she still been half-human. Being as it was, though, she could merely feel the heat within rushing through her veins as if her blood was fluid fire. She wondered whether Haldir would ever stop having that effect on her and hoped he would not. Haldir smiled and their lips touched once again, but tenderly this time. "What I actually meant to show you," he finally said, still slightly out of breath, "is your flet." He pointed to a little hut in the trees only a few yards away from them. A rope ladder was dangling from it; the lower part of the trunk was completely devoid of braches, so there was no other way of climbing it, even for an elf. "You only have to pull the ladder up and you will be safe," Haldir stated in a somewhat self-satisfied manner, as if he had picked this place for the battle just because he knew there was this certain flet. Daëra could hardly suppress a loving smile, since probably he had. "Okay. Thank you. And please – do not get hurt. Not this time." Daëra's voice was pleading, but Haldir smiled reassuringly. "Of course I cannot promise anything – yet I shall try." – Daëra laughed, although she felt like crying. This was so like him – so elven.

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