Chapter 11 - 2 Decades later: Return

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The hot summer sun was shining on the Golden Wood and while the paths down below were pretty much sheltered, the heat was not to be denied in the tree-tops. The wardens were sitting on their flet, keeping an eye on the grassy plains beyond Lothlórien. They didn't bother much about the heat, since they were elves, yet even they couldn't help but feel a slight daze when the sun was at its highest point. It was a tiny cloud of dust just above the ground several miles away that brought back their attention. "A rider approaching," one of them stated. "The pace is walk; it is too hot for anything quicker." – The second warden screwed up his eyes. "I know who it is." – "It is too far away. You cannot possibly distinguish the person." The first was quick to say, squinting his eyes and trying to discern the rider as well. The other just smiled. "I certainly can – there is no distance far enough to prevent me from recognising my own brother."

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Orophin had approached his eldest brother from behind while he was untacking his horse. – "I have not been away long this time, brother. Merely a year," Haldir said with a smile, turning half around. – "And where have you been? Have you seen the sea?" Orophin asked with a hint of longing in his eyes. Haldir put his saddle away and began to brush his horse. "I have been west of the mountains, but I have not ventured as far as Mithlond and the sea. So I have not seen it – to be quite honest with you: I dare not look." – "In that case I am glad you did not, for you probably would not have returned, had you taken a look." – Now Haldir turned around completely, smiled at Orophin and they hugged. Orophin then stepped back and let his eyes wander up and down his brother. "You are looking good. How was your journey? It does not seem to have cost you any strength." – Haldir shook his head. "I met a lot of people, it was really interesting – although somehow it feels good to be back. Especially in summer." Haldir sucked in the warm, scented air. – "Come on," Orophin exclaimed. "Rumil will want to see you – and if I recall correctly, Valnin wanted to have a word with you as well."

Haldir was slightly surprised at how good it felt to be back. After all these years of travelling he could finally say for sure that there was no place quite like Lórien. The Golden Wood had a secret power that couldn't even be surpassed by Imladris. Haldir had heard many things from a lot of people all over Middle-Earth and he had come to a pretty clear-cut belief as to where this certain power was emerging from.  Three Rings for the Elven-Kings under the Sky, or something like it the lines of the old song went. Haldir was convinced that the Lady Galadriel owned one of those rings of power – it would explain her hints at the "old power" that kept her wood alive and why Lothlórien was still as beautiful as ever, when Mirkwood was slowly but surely being defeated.

Mirkwood... It had been a long while since Haldir had last thought of his home. Thranduil hadn't sent another messenger or even a message after the first – which was wise of him. Yet Haldir would have liked to know how the situation was up North. What he heard made his stomach cringe and made him think there wasn't much hope for the former "Great Wood". After Haldir had said briefly hello to Rumil and his other friends he went to see Valnin. The March Warden probably had another mission for him that needed to be carried out somewhere in Middle-Earth. Haldir felt a tiny sting at the thought; he would have loved to stay in the Golden Wood for a change, just for a few weeks; just this once. Valnin was waiting for him near the greatest mellorn tree in whose crown the Lord and Lady's flet was situated. The performed the greeting, then Valnin started to walk slowly towards the gates of Caras Galadhon. "Was you journey a success?" – Haldir nodded slowly. "I met Círdan the boat-builder outside Mithlond – just as you advised, so I would not have to see the sea at any point. He did not mind at all leaving the city for the purpose of meeting Lórien's messenger. He told me that the number of Elves leaving Middle-Earth is – though increasing – not particularly high. Furthermore, I rode through the whole of the Shire – only at nights and without any of the small people noticing me, just as the Lady had requested. They seem to be living a primitive, but happy life. At the town called Bree I could listen to some of their conversation without being conspicuous. I put my hood up and pretended to be human. I am not sure all of the humans believed it, yet at least the Halflings did not suspect anything. They were talking about their farming and other topics of their everyday life. The only exception was a certain "Bilbo Baggins" who seems to have gone to experience an adventure. An unpardonable sin in the eyes of a Halfling, or at least in the eyes of the few I overheard." – Valnin nodded. "Very well. I will pass these news on, I am sure Celeborn and Galadriel will be glad to hear it: at least for the moment the Shire seems to be safe."

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