Chapter 18 - 10,000

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"You do want to be human? It is definite?" Galadriel's question was spoken in a stern but not angry voice. She did not blame Daëra for her decision. Daëra nodded and all of a sudden, she seemed to be flying: The colours were blurring all around her just as if someone had taken hold of the whole world and was dragging it past Daëra's eyes. The world was moving, yet she was not. Once everything had settled down again, the scene had changed. She was standing in the doorway of a flet in the outskirts of Lórien, from here she could overlook not only tree-tops, but also the greens plains that were surrounding Lórien. Haldir was standing right in front of her, near the edge of the flet: his back was turned towards her, all calmness, while he kept the watch. Daëra moved so she could see his face: the impression of ease was treacherous, thoughts were racing behind his eyes. And then... just like that his pupils widened in panic and his breathing grew ragged as he looked down his body in disbelief. His strength seemed to leave his legs as well, he could just hold on to the railing of the flet before falling all the way to the floor of the forest. He hadn't let go of her yet. She was human, and so was he. The life of the Eldar was leaving him: he would die.

Daëra woke with a start, her heart racing and a "no" on her lips. It took her a few seconds to realise it had only been a nightmare... Yet then, the nightmare would become reality soon enoug; Daëra wouldn't be able to put the Valar off forever... Galadriel had already told her: The date was set. She had six months, no more, no less. Daëra would do it now, without waiting any longer – or so she told herself – if it wasn't for Haldir. She couldn't have him die because of her. In fact, she had best leave as soon as possible to make letting go easier for him. He just had to let go. Every wish to be with her had to perish. Perhaps it would have been better if Rumil and Orophin's plan had worked out and Daëra had found it in her to crush his heart. He wouldn't be in danger then. But then, he had been so taken aback after finding out the truth, so disappointed – it would not be long until he would look down on himself for ever wanting her. He would despise her. It would work just as well - and just like Daëra hadn't been able to break Haldir's heart, she wouldn't be able to bear that. No. She would leave. Right now.

The thought was giving her new energy; Daëra got off her bed to start packing her few things – only to realise they already were. She had tied them into a tight bundle days ago. She had meant to leave every morning for the last week or so, but for some reason she hadn't actually done it yet. Today she would leave, though. Today was the day – she couldn't delay it forever. - She would have left. Afterwards, Daëra was sure she would have left that day – hadn't the Lady of the Wood suddenly talked to her in her head. You cannot go. It is too dangerous. You are needed here. Daëra froze on the spot, her eyes closed in defeat. So Galadriel knew as well. To prevent her from going in the precise second she had really been resolved to go meant that the Lady must have been watching her closely for quite some time. She knew about her relationship to Haldir and how she had hurt him. It was rather surprising Galadriel wasn't casting her out of the forest. "Why am I supposed to stay," Daëra asked weakly, not even pronouncing it like a question. Dark times are on their way. You are a ring-bearer; your powers will be needed. You cannot flee your responsibility. – "I see. I am not... The fate of Middle-Earth is most important, to me and all of us. Yet might there not be a way I could be useful all the way from Imladris? – I have learned to reach out quite far." – I am sure of it. Yet Imladris, unfortunately, is too far away. Lórien might still not be near enough. The elves will participate in this war, they will side with the humans once again: we cannot leave all the other creatures to fight it out alone. Daëra nodded, not sure whether Galadriel could even see it. "I will not go." The presence disappeared out of her head and Daëra felt she was alone again – well, at least now the Lady wasn't revealing herself to her as she had done just then. Whether Galadriel was still watching, Daëra couldn't tell.

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