Chapter 15 - Eavesdropping

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*Hi guys, this chapter starts a bit slow, I know, but please keep going - the real stuff is starting pretty exactly half-way through the chappie. Enjoy!!!*

He was on his way to leave Caras Galadhon to be in time for the beginning of his shift, when he heard the voices. He would just have continued walking - there were many people talking at all times of day in the city - had not one voice been a female one he recognised. He knew the other one as well, it was Elladan of Imladris. He sounded agitated. "Why did you not tell me?" - "It was supposed to be a secret. No one really knows besides Galadriel and your father - and my own father, of course." - He dared not move, listening closely. It wasn't like him to eavesdrop, but this time he felt he had to. It was Elladan talking next. "You cannot be both. You will have to decide, just like all the others." - Her answer came hesitantly. "Yes... It's just so difficult." - "How could it be difficult? Why would you want to be like your... mother? She is dead now, is she not?" - "Of course she is... you don't understand... I grew up being like her, to put it in your words. It is what I am. Deep down." - "So why are you still... Why have you not decided yet?" - She sighed. "I promised my father I would try it out first... the other way. I promised him I would try it out as long as I could, stay in between the two until the Valar would make me decide." - "And when will that day come?" - "Soon."

He hurried on, trying to forget what he'd heard, maybe he had misunderstood... but he couldn't, the incident was burnt into his memories. Just as he could not make himself believe it had not been her talking. He had to go and find his brother, perhaps he knew what to do. And he left.

"I will have to set off soon." Haldir knew she was awake, she had woken up when he had slightly moved the arm her had had been resting on, but she had pretended to sleep on. - "Why?" she mumbled, as if she didn't know. - "Duty," Haldir sighed. For once, he did not actually want to go - although he was eager to see whether there had been any problems during his absence. Yet then, he had only been off for three days and if something of consequence had happened, his brothers would already have told him last night. Daëra sat up, smiling. "In that case, I suppose I should get dressed." - Haldir smiled mockingly. "You? I gather you are you coming as well? Or you might have decided to join the wardens." - Daëra had already started to put on her clothes and stuck out her tongue at him. "Don't be ridiculous, I will not be joining the wardens. Yet I am meaning to see you off. I will walk you to the outskirts of Lórien." - Haldir looked at her for a few seconds and then nodded slowly. Daëra threw a stern glance at him. "I can defend myself, you know that now. Do not worry." - "I am not... Well, I am... You are not going to set the Golden Wood on fire by accident, are you?" - Daëra wanted to throw something at him, yet there wasn't much else in the hut than several of his tunics. So she took one of them and flung it at him: "Get dressed." - Haldir smiled and got up to do as he was told. It was still dark outside when they left.

They didn't talk much, the cool air still felt weird on the new skin on his left arm, but he had grown good at not showing it to Daëra - although Haldir wasn't sure she actually fell for it. It was almost noon when Haldir - following a sudden impulse - reached out to grab her hand, turning her around to face him. She laughed and then whispered: "We're in the middle of a road!" If one could call the grassy paths of Lórien "roads". Haldir listened out, cocking his head to underline the action. "I do not hear anyone approach." He pulled her close until their cheeks were touching and said quietly: "I do not know when I will be back in Caras Galadhon. Usually, I am spending a greater deal of my time out here than in the city." - Daëra nodded. "I could come and visit you - if you want me to, that is." - He smiled against her skin. "I think I should like that." He turned his head and his lips brushed hers. Her fingers closed around the strap that fastened his quiver to his back and she pulled his face down to hers, deepening the kiss. The sun rose and his rays made the first golden leaves on the boughs sparkle. Haldir though didn't really notice - in fact, he wouldn't even have realised if somebody were coming towards them on the road. Slightly out of breath, Haldir finally broke the kiss, remembering he had to be somewhere. He smiled slightly. "I am late. Come on." He took her hand and they set off again.

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