Chapter 20 - Daëra's Pendant

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By the time the army got in sight of Helm's Deep almost a week had passed and a strange feeling had taken hold of them: the darkness and gloom that had taken over all Middle-Earth except Lothlórien. Haldir noticed the sun was standing quite low already; they would have to hurry to reach the city before nightfall. He had the wardens and elf-soldiers increase their pace, he himself concentrating on switching off his mind and focussing on the fight that lay ahead. Rohir, however, destroyed this effort by approaching Haldir. "My lord..." the young elf began. His expression was wary, flickering between the mountain chain Helm's Deep was huddled against, and theMarch Warden. "My lord, I was wondering... Do we stand a chance at all? Rumour has it 10,000 orcs are on their way to kill the Rohirrim and King Theoden." - Haldir sighed sadly. "Rumour tends to exaggerate circumstances... although this time, is does not. I sincerely do hope we will be able to defeat the evil coming from Isengard - we will have valuable help: Aragorn, son of Arathorn, will be there as I have heard, and so will Prince Legolas from Mirkwood."

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Haldir looked at the small group that had come to find shelter in the Golden Wood. Unfortunately, he could grant them no such thing. They couldn't be allowed to bring their evil into Lórien. Haldir scanned the faces and one of the halflings caught his eye. It was all about those little people: they were carrying it. Or more precisely: the one with the dark curls was. Haldir could feel it... It felt like Daëra's ring just... hotter and darker. Haldir had started feeling its presence early this morning and had been awaiting the fellowship since then: two men - one of them a Dúnedain -, a dwarf, four halflings and an elf. Haldir shared a quick glance with his brothers then let his eyes wander over the fellowship once again. "You shall go no further." - As expected, the majestic Dúnedain Haldir already knew to be Aragorn walked forward in a decisive manner. He looked as if he would not take "no" for an answer.

Haldir led them to one of the flets so he would have some peace and quiet to talk things over with Aragorn. "Haldir, the road we have to take is dangerous. We do need the help of Lothlórien." - Haldir sighed. "That might very well be the case, but my duty as March Warden is to protect the forest. I cannot have such a dangerous object proceed towards the very core of the wood." - "Be assured we will be answering for the halfling and his burden." - Haldir frowned. "I do trust you, Aragorn, but who else is 'we'? Some more halflings, the son of Denethor - a man we do not consider to be very wise - and a dwarf?" Haldir's voice became more disdainful with every word. Aragorn's glance flickered back to his meagre group. "Also an elf is with us. One of your own kin." - "I am not from Lothlórien." - It seemed to Haldir that Aragorn almost smiled at that. "Neither is he." - Haldir frowned. He had not yet paid any attention to the elf, him being the least of his problems, the smallest obstacle to the fellowship proceeding towards Caras Galadhon. Now, though, Haldir leant slightly to one side to gain a better look at the fair-haired youth. Well, he was not a youth exactly, his reckless years were lying sometime in the past already, yet he was young still. Haldir frowned and exchanged a look with his brothers. Something about him was familiar... Suddenly, the elf looked up and he met Haldir's glance with a small smile. "I thought you would never recognise me, dear cousin."

"Prince Legolas. It has been a while." Haldir nodded his head slightly, torn between the mere greeting and a proper bow... Legolas had been his prince once, but wasn't anymore - not really: Haldir belonged to Lórien now. At the mentioning of the prince's name, Rumil and Orophin came closer. Up to now they had been quite content guarding the fellowship and letting Haldir do all the talking and arguing, for that matter. Haldir took a closer look at Legolas and finally it seemed to him he could see the young boy in the handsome features of the grown-up elf. The Prince of Mirkwood smiled. "At least now I finally do know why you never returned. Your duty is tying you to this place." - "This is the case indeed, yet even if it were not I am not sure I would be able to leave the Golden Wood." - Legolas looked up into the night sky that was barely visible for all the branches covered thickly in golden leaves. He inhaled deeply. "Yes. I see what you mean. This forest feels... old. Yet in agood way, not wicked like Mirkwood." - Haldir frowned at Legolas' rather rebellious words. "Have you had a... disagreement with the king?" - The prince sighed. "I know my father means well, but... He did not want to let me go. He said he could not have me leave and never return. I promised him I would return, and yet I fear..." - "...that you lied. Promised something you will not be able to keep," Haldir finished the sentence in Legolas' stead. "It is hard to go back to the Great Wood once one has seen what else there is out here. At least in Lórien there is still a little bit of beauty left, no one knows for how long it will prevail." - Legolas nodded slowly. "We are trying to save Middle-Earth; you do know that, do you not, Haldir? The fellowship and I?" He rubbed his forehead. "Open war will lead us nowhere, everyone will die. Our path is the only chance we have. We are trying to save Lórien, too. And should fail, I think it might be fair every member of the fellowship has had a glimpse of the Golden Wood. It might lift our spirits."

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