Chapter 10 - Haldir of Lothlórien

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Merely two weeks had passed, but Haldir felt as if he had been a warden for much longer. He and Cirya were doing shifts inside Caras Galadhon as well as on the outskirts of the woods – quite a few for that matter, being elves they didn't need much sleep. She had tested him several times, attacked him out of all possible angles, yet a draw was all she had ever been able to accomplish. One time she had suddenly re-sheathed her sword mid-fight, lifting her hands in what would have been surrender, had this been a real fight. Haldir's lips twitched. "Pray, are you giving up?" – "Certainly not, sir." The female elf brushed her blond hair out of her eyes. "I just ended a fight that was not even real. I just wanted to see whether you would survive if someone attacked you from behind. It is quite amazing: nothing ever seems to surprise you." – Haldir smiled, sheathing his sword as well. "I grew up learning that a surprise in a forest means death." – She nodded. "According to that I conclude you have never been surprised." – Haldir lifted his arms and looked down at himself. "I am alive and fighting," he offered as an answer. – "You must have seen so many things in Mirkwood. You fight as if you had a fair amount of experience." Her eyes were sparkling slightly. "I really wish to go there someday." – Haldir's smile was wiped off his face instantly and replaced by a worried frown. "Mirkwood is lethal for people who have not grown up there." – Cirya tapped the pommel of her Lórien blade – in the hands of a good warrior it was sharp like an icy gust of wind, beautiful like a starry night. "I do not think it would kill me. I have seen many things as well, son of Diniel. Besides – it would be a challenge." Cirya's eyes glistened; Haldir felt that she yearned to go where the "real fighting" and the "real dangers" were. He had to admit he was impressed – no one had ever regarded Mirkwood in that light, not even himself. He wanted to return because it was his home and now that Daëra was gone even that wish had diminished significantly. He had never thought its dangers to be as exciting as a challenge.

Some days later, Cirya and Haldir were returning to Caras Galadhon from a night's duty: a few Rohan soldiers had lost their way and ended up in Lórien – the wardens had imitated orc screeches to chase the Rohirrim out of the Golden Wood. By the time Haldir and Cirya had reached the city it was dawning. They had just passed the gates when Cirya suddenly turned round and was preparing to leave Caras Galadhon again right away. Haldir frowned. "Where are you headed?" – Cirya stopped to look back at him and smiled. "Mirkwood has already taught you how to be a warden, Lórien itself will have to do the rest – there is nothing more I can show you. It is time you and your brothers claim your own place within the wardens." With those words Cirya left, leaving Haldir slightly clueless as to what he was supposed to do now. As if he had read his thoughts, Valnin came approaching from behind. "You look lost," the March Warden stated. Before Haldir had a chance to answer though, he was already continuing to talk. "Methinks I know why – come with me, there will be an official visit soon and we will need a higher number of wardens within the city anyway. You will see Lady Arwen. Have you met her before?" – "No – yet one day I heard her sing." The sweet voice was something one wasn't like to forget. – "Ah, lucky you." Valnin briefly closed his eyes, obviously in delight at remembering the woman's voice. "I must warn you – Arwen Undómiel's beauty is beyond description... And her father protects her well," he added with a sideway glance at Haldir. Haldir nodded, for some reason not feeling he was in danger of falling for Elrond's daughter.

"The visitor will be arriving at noon and the Lord and Lady will receive him at the foot of the greatest tree. The wardens will only have to form a passage for him to walk through. It has got nothing to do with fear of an attack; it is rather for ceremonial purposes." When mid-day approached, more and more wardens started to assemble around the tree upon which Galadriel and Celeborn's flet was situated. A figure came walking towards them, its face hidden by a hood - yet for some reason Haldir knew it wasn't the visitor. The person was clearly a woman and her manner of walking was too confident for a mere guest. When she came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs and removed her hood the other wardens noticed her as well. Someone next to Haldir whispered: "That is Lady Arwen." – Haldir craned his neck to get a better look at the daughter of Elrond. She was obviously waiting for Galadriel and Celeborn to join her, yet her eyes were slowly wandering over the crowd, as if she wanted to have a look at every single warden. Arwen was beautiful indeed; her raven hair was longer than what was usual even for female elves, her gaze was much like Galadriel's – although perhaps not quite as wise. Haldir was sure she could do some sword fighting if she had to, yet he felt in that respect she was more like the Lady of the Woods: relying on magic rather than her bodily strength.

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