Chapter 9 - Arwen Undómiel

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"I see you are well prepared. This is good, for I am hoping you will not need a long introduction – I am supposed to be on duty tonight." Cirya nodded approvingly at the brothers' wearing their Lórien tunics and carrying their bows and swords. They had gone to meet the female warden at the armoury – but the said room was not one of those dark ones where hundreds of weapons long forgotten were rusting. On the contrary, every single sword, dagger and bow seemed to have its special place. Cirya waved her hand gracefully towards the collection of knives and daggers. "Do help yourselves. I have to admit I sometimes find the smaller blades more effective than the bigger ones – for some reason everybody just seems to be thinking that I was only carrying weapons they would immediately see, such as my sword or bow and arrows. They are always so surprised when I suddenly pull a dagger from my belt." – Haldir took the one or other knife to see whether it had the right weight to be thrown, yet he was listening to the warden's words carefully. "Is there a lot of fighting going on at the borders of Lórien? – You sound quite experienced." – Cirya smiled knowingly. "Sometimes orcs venture as far as here – as you are well aware – or even burgling humans from Rohan. We have seen battles as well, but that was a long time ago." Her eyes narrowed. "I fear the times might be about to change, though." – Orophin met her gaze. "And why would that be?" – "It has been a long while since the Lady of the Wood has asked someone from outside Lothlórien to join us. Furthermore, you are from Mirkwood that we all know to be a dangerous place, more dangerous than probably the majority of places in Middle-Earth. Galadriel and Celeborn always have reasons for what they do. So why would she ask you to stay?" – "She has not exactly asked us," Rumil murmured, though too quiet to be audible to anyone besides his brothers. Orophin shot him an angry glance and nodded towards Cirya. For some reason, it was Orophin who was affected least by the fact they had to stay in Lórien. Haldir felt he himself hadn't quite realised it yet.

When they had all chosen some additional weapons, Cirya started to lead the way. "Follow me, I will show you the borders and flets where we sit to keep the watch. You will be going with another warden for the first few weeks, until you have gained some experience. But then, we are usually doing watches in groups – it is safer." They ventured out into the woods; Haldir noticed that after all his time as a caretaker most of the paths they took seemed already slightly familiar to him. He tried not to think too much of it though, for most of the time he had spent with Daëra. It was a wicked situation he was in, since all the effort he put into trying not to think of her and avoid her was having the contrary effect and his mind always came back to her. It was quite ironic, for Haldir slowly realised that – had he never tried to forget her and return to his old life – he probably would have forgotten the whole incident a lot quicker.

At the end of the day they had walked through half of Lórien, yet none of them felt actually tired. Cirya looked towards the setting sun. "I have to go now, but two other wardens will meet us soon so each of you can join one of us on tonight's watch. They will be here any minute now, so please excuse me if I take my leave." She slightly nodded her head, moving her hand to her chest and then towards them. She had almost spun around, when she suddenly froze and turned back. The brothers, having realised her mistake, stood in expectation. Cirya had to smile despite herself. "I almost forgot. Haldir, you will come with me, if you please." – "Certainly." He stepped forward and followed the warden who had already run off into the forest.

When the sun rose, Haldir and Cirya were getting quite close to Caras Galadhon again, after having walked in the outskirts of Lothlórien all night. The warden breathed in the morning air and smiled at the yellow orb of the sun. Then she looked at Haldir. "Tell me then: did you find it boring? Guarding the forest?" – "Not at all." It was true: for some reason, Haldir found it strangely... fulfilling to wander the woods at night, listening out for something unusual, feeling the land. – "That is good. I think you – and you brothers of course – will make good wardens. You have learned things in Mirkwood we do not know here. Yet I have been fearing with all the danger you were facing in the dark wood on a regular basis, the Golden Wood might not be requiring your talents as much as you wish and are used to." – "Well... the fact that we have not seen a single ill-meaning creature tonight proves the fact that it does not... yet then somehow I feel it might not be a bad thing. I cannot deny that to my mind I could do more good in Mirkwood, but if it is the wish of the Lady that I shall stay, I am sure there is a good reason for it." Or at least I sincerely do hope so, Haldir added in his thoughts. – "Oh, you can be certain there..."

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