Chapter 14 - Fever

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When Daëra woke up it was the middle of the night. She was lying on the straw-filled mattress in one corner of the hut-like flet, it was the same where she had found all the necessary ingredients to mix the ointment for Haldir's burns. She hadn't slept very well, in her dreams Haldir had been burning, his eyes glowing like pieces of charcoal: It is your fault, they said, you killed me. Daëra kept her eyelids closed until her heartbeat-rate had slowed down a little. She didn't dare think what would've happened if she hadn't been able to extinguish the fire on his sleeve. Fortunately, it had been small enough for her to divert the energy to the air without causing a huge explosion. Fire was energy in its purest form, and even more: fire wanted to live, to burn. The bigger it was, the harder it became to just extinguish it. A bonfire could already be too strong: at Rivendell, Daëra had once tried it and all that energy suddenly let loose had thrown her five metres back and charred the grass and trees within a radius of four metres.

Yesterday had been among the ten most exhausting days of Daëra's life, which had been clearly visible to Haldir. It had been dark by the time his arm was all wrapped up and his good hand had just managed to catch Daëra's elbow when she almost fell while walking towards the exit of the flet. Haldir had just nodded towards the back of the flet. "You had better get some rest." He stroked her cheek with his right hand and kissed the corner of her mouth. Daëra was so tired she could barely see clear, but Haldir was her patient now, she couldn't just go to sleep... "Will you be alright?" she asked faintly. - "I will wake you should the pain increase." - Daëra must've looked doubtful, since he added with a slight smile: "I promise, I will wake you." She rubbed her eyes. "Promise me another thing." - He frowned, but his expression was curious as well and made the corners of Daëra's mouth twitch. "Promise me to be off duty. Just for tonight. You have to give your arm time to heal." - He looked at her for a while, his gaze lingering on her lips so long it would have made her blush, had she not been an elf. Then he slowly nodded. "If it pleases you, I will stay right here... Off duty." - "Okay." Daëra kissed him on the cheek and went inside to fall flat onto the straw mattress Haldir had called a bed. She rolled to one side so she could see the doorway. Haldir was sitting in it, leaning against the frame and watching the night fall in Lórien.

Now it was completely dark outside and Haldir was still sitting in exactly the same position, as if he had not moved at all - well, maybe he hadn't. The moonlight was shining on his smooth face, his eyes were closed. The only difference was that he had put on a ragged tunic several sizes too big that looked rather like a knee-long dressing gown, since the buttons to close it had all gone. Daëra moved only slightly to have a better look at him, yet at the noise his eyes were immediately open - proving that he'd never really slept at all. Elves didn't sleep much, but Daëra was convinced that sleep would do him a lot of good. So much as to being off duty... At least though, he had rested.

"What time is it?" - Haldir cast a quick glance at the sky that was visible amongst the branches of the trees that were still devoid of leaves. "Just past midnight. You should sleep some more." - Daëra propped herself into a sitting position, suddenly feeling quite awake. "No. I will take the watch. You need all the rest you can get." She rose, but so did Haldir, blocking the doorway. His face was stern. "No offence, yet you were dead on your feet after the fight, Mylady." - Daëra felt a flutter in her stomach when he called her "lady", but didn't let it show. Or tried to, at least. - "I want you to go back to bed. This is an order," he said with emphasis. Daëra came closer until there was hardly any space left between them. "I am not one of your wardens, Mylord. Even more, at the moment I am your doctor and I say I will be taking the next watch - or there will be none." - Haldir still wasn't moving from the doorway to let Daëra take his place - instead he lifted his hurt arm and traced her jaw-line with the tips of his fingers that were sticking out of the dressings Daëra had put on him. They felt unnaturally hot on her skin and his bandage was radiating heat although it was covered by the sleeve of the huge tunic. Tears stung Daëra's eyes, why did it always have to be her who hurt him, why...

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