How to enjoy life with your world-destroying dragon child? Let me show you.

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A/N: Hey you! Yes, you. Did you know what I'm wasting your time by having you read this because there could be some important information here? I bet you didn't. Just like you didn't know when the next chapter would come out. Well, that time just so happens to be now. This chapter has been edited too.

We start off the way all good stories do, with a loli taking her tail out of an outlet. Kanna walks up to Y/N and Kobayashi. It's early in the morning. I wonder what she wants?

Kanna: "I want to play!"

Kobayashi: "What about your game?"

Kanna: "I'm bored with it."

Tohru: "Kanna is a child, after all. She wants to exercise her body to the fullest."

Y/N: "When I was her age, I'd go to the pound a hunt for toads. But we're in the city now."

Kobayashi: "And you'd find a way to drag me into it. I spent my time indoors playing video games."

Tohru: "Well then, would you like to play outside with us today?"

Y/N: "I'm down."

Tohru: "Well then, get up! We're going to do a lot of playing."

Kanna: *Her eyes lighten up* "Yeah!"

Tohru: "Would you like to come, too, Miss Kobayashi? No, please come!"

Kobayashi: "I hate exercising." Though, it would be pretty lonely without Y/N-kun. Maybe I should go.

Tohru: Too bad no wasn't an option. "Well then, I ask that you close your eyes."

Kobayashi: "Hmm? Sure." *She closes her eyes*

When she opens them again, they are in the sky. Tohru has lifted off. She screams in fear and confusion as she is whisked away. Y/N just blinks a few times and wonders how she did this in only a matter of seconds. Before long they are settled in a field in the middle of nowhere.

Kobayashi: "Is this, Japan?"

Tohru: "Who knows? I just landed in a big field that looked nice to me."

Y/N: A random place with no civilians? That's how grandpa taught me. *He punches the air rapidly* "Yea, this is prime real estate."

Kobayashi: "Well, whatever. I'm going to sleep off my fatigue from my deathma."

Subtitle-chan: "Deathma, short for death march. To work without rest under an overloaded schedule. Kobayashi's phone reads as follows, 'No Reception'. 

Kobayashi: "Wake me up when you're finished playing. And return us to Japan." I'd sleep easier with- never mind. He's probably happy to get anyway from his desk job. I wouldn't want to ruin it.

Tohru: "Oh well. One out of two isn't the worst. Okayshall we start playing?"

Y/N: "I'm ready."

Kanna: "I'm also prepared."

Tohru: "Remember that Y/N-san is a human, so go easy."

Y/N: "Seems I'll have to show you what I'm about if you say that."

Kanna and Tohru prepare to go about it.

Y/N: "I want some good clean fun, don't go overboard now."

Kanna: "I wish to go against Y/N first."

Y/N: "Looking for a warm-up? I'll warn you, this old man still has his tricks. Pay attention and you may just learn something new." *He grabs a giant wooden staff that was in his pockets*

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now