Noisy Neighbors, How Dreadful. But What's This? Even More Dragons?!?!?!

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A/N: Welcome one and all. This is what a lot of people have been waiting for. It's her introduction. I do hope you all enjoy it. Changing the style this time around. I want to test something.

The first morning in their new apartment... And it's terrible. Who knew living in an area where everyone was a poor salaryman would be so quiet? How much they'd find out in the span of a few hours. A lively area has a toll bigger than they originally thought it would. Whether it's the sound of early morning construction or the barkings of small dogs, it pains them all the same.

Kobayashi: Why didn't we check the neighborhood circular?

Kobayashi: Why didn't we check the neighborhood circular?

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(But add an extra pillow)

Y/N: "Something wrong?"

Kobayashi: "I can't sleep in with all this noise."

And with that, even more flood their room. It hurts both their ears as it shows no signs of stopping. Finally, Kobayashi steps out of their room.

Kobayashi: "Tohru! You're too damn loud!"

Little does she know, both Tohru and Kanna are covering their ears as well. Both being disturbed by the noises coming from all around them.

Tohru: "It isn't us?"

Kobayashi: "Huh?"

Y/N: "This isn't how I wanted to spend my morning. But I'll make the most of it."

He goes off into the kitchen. Kobayashi sits on the couch and continues to be in pain.

Tohru: "Do you see me as a loud person?"

Kobayashi: "Sorry, sorry."

Tohru: "Kobayashi, does your hangover hurt?"

Kobayashi: "Yeah. Still, I can't believe it's like this on my day off."

Tohru: "The noise is coming from the floors above us and our neighbors. Do you want me to question them about it?"

Kobayashi: "Yes, could you, please?"

Y/N: "I've made us some breakfast. I'll go with her to make sure nothing too bad happens."

Kobayashi: "Hai."

Kanna: "Did you get my juice out of the fridge?"

Y/N: "Yes, and I put another one in its place."

Kanna: "Thank you."

Kobayashi: "Please make sure she doesn't stand out too much."

Y/N: "I'll try my best?"

Tohru: "Roger that. If they won't listen after we've spoken to them. Then, I'll murder, destroy, and pulverize them."

Y/N: "That seems excessive. They won't feel anything past murder."

Kobayashi: "Oi, don't encourage this. There's really no need to do any of that." They'll listen just fine.

Number four hundred one is their first location.

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now